This is going to be a steganography program built on C later on if i make it I'm going to add a Java GUI for Android devices.
C doesn't have a way to print binary numbers that's why i'm going to work on hex. Each 8bit colour is portrayed by 2 hexadecimal digits, from which we only care about the latter because that one contains the LSB which we need in order to hide our file without being noticed.
In order to make a number 1 from 0 we only need to append the second hex number by 1
Example: if our second hex is an e we just make it an f.
In order to make a number 0 from 1 we only need to subtract 1 from the second hex number.
Example: if our second hex is an f we just make it an e.
In order to know what is the LSB of our hex we just have to use an integer division and see if the modulus of our division is 0. If the modulus is 0 then the number is an even and the LSB is a 0, else if the number is odd then the LSB is a 1.
Bin | Hex |
0000 | 0 |
0001 | 1 |
0010 | 2 |
0011 | 3 |
0100 | 4 |
0101 | 5 |
0110 | 6 |
0111 | 7 |
1000 | 8 |
1001 | 9 |
1010 | a |
1011 | b |
1100 | c |
1101 | d |
1110 | e |
1111 | f |
- Adding
int argc, char **argv
into the main function in order to work through terminal. - Adding advanced mode where the program starts a menu that gives more options like the depth the data are going to be hidden in (more bits than LSB etc...)
- Encryption mode for the data to be hidden.
- Scrambling of the data based on a string given by the user.
- Decryption-Descrambling
- Smart-Carving to find well hidden files in images.
- Support for other file-types.
A little cheat seat of our code in Greek will be found here