A Rain World interactive map using leaflet and GeoJSON data exported from the game files.
This project consists of three parts:
- A c# mod to jump through the game generating screenshots and exporting metadata about rooms and regions and maps. This part is hosted in my rainworld mods repo under "MapExporter". Supports modded regions.
- A python script for stitching up the screenshots into a map, producing a tileset/basemap and converting the metadata into geojson features.
- The front-end app in plain html css and javascript using Leaflet for the map, all static files so it can be hosted in a github site.
The currently tracked things from the game are:
- room placement from the dev-map
- room names
- room connections
- room geometry
- spawns and lineages
The immediate to-do list for this project is:
- place icons for the most common room tags like "shelter", "scavoutpost" and "swarmroom"
- shelters filterable by difficulty
- in-room shortcuts
- karma for gates
- read and add placed-objects
- popcorn, fruit, placed spears, the relevant stuff
- pealrs and echos
If you wish to contribute, hmu on Discord!