Detects timezone by address or location, using google or geoname web services. It will utilaze web services only if can't detect timezone by country code (when country has only one timezone)
Procedure for detecting time zone:
- Looks tah given country has only one time zone
- Fetching time zone data through web services if position (latitude and longitude) is given
- First detects position for given country, city and region and then fetch timezone data from web
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'tzdetect'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install tzdetect
Can be set through block:
TZDetect::Configuration.begin do |c|
c.username = 'your_geonames_username'
or TZDetect::Configuration.service = :geoname TZDetect::Configuration.username = "username"
Configuration params:
- service - service name can be :google or :geoname - default google
- username - username for geoname service
- google_client_key = google api key (not tested )
- google_signature = google api signature (not tested )
If you use geoname service, make sure you have a geonames username. It's free and easy to setup, you can do so here.
Country with many timezones without position data: System will find location for Miami and then find timezone
tz ="US", "Miami", "Florida") # "America/New_York"
tz.latitude # 25.774265
tz.longitude # -80.193658
Country with many time zones with position data: System will directly find timezone with position data
tz ="US", "Miami", "Florida", 25.774265, -80.193658) # "America/New_York"
Country with one time zone will not return location data
tz ="RS", "Novi Sad") # "Europe/Belgrade"
tz.latitude # nil
tz.longitude # nil
Return TZInfo object
tz = TimeZone.get!("RS", "Novi Sad") # "Europe/Belgrade"
tz ="US", "Miami", "Florida", 25.774265, -80.193658) # "America/New_York"
You can use class method by_location
TZDetect::TimeZone.by_location! 44.21, 21.0
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