Writes checkstyle output to a file. This can be used to report JSHint results to Jenkins.
npm install --save-dev jshint-checkstyle-file-reporter
# optional specify a different filename
export JSHINT_CHECKSTYLE_FILE="jshint.xml" # default: checkstyle.xml
# run jshint
jshint --reporter node_modules/jshint-checkstyle-file-reporter *.js
var gulp = require('gulp');
var jshint = require('gulp-jshint');
var checkstyleFileReporter = require('jshint-checkstyle-file-reporter');
// optional specify a different filename:
process.env.JSHINT_CHECKSTYLE_FILE = 'jshint.xml'; // default: checkstyle.xml
gulp.task('jshint', function() {