To add a new field in your back office with Symfony you should create a new module.
In your module you should add a new column in ps_category table.
To add a column
ALTER TABLE `ps_category` ADD `field_name` VARCHAR(255);
To remove a column
ALTER TABLE `ps_category` DROP `field_name`;
List of all PrestaShop Hooks here
This example add a new text input named field_name in Category form.
public function hookActionCategoryformBuilderModifier(array $params)
$formBuilder = $params['form_builder'];
$formBuilder->add('field_name', TextType::class, [
'label' => $this->l('Field label'),
'required' => false
- $formBuilder is a instance of \Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilder
- $formBuilder->add($name, $type = null, $options = []) add a new field in category form.
- $formBuilder->setData($params['data']) This function update the category form datas.
This function is called in action hook to save the new input value in ps_category table.
private function updateData(array $data)
$category = new Category($data['id']);
$category->field_name = $data['form_data']['field_name'];
After added your custom column in DB table you should override the specific classes.
To override a class you should create override/classes folders and Category.php file.
- π folders your_module
- π override
- π classes
- π Category.php
- π classes
- π override
class Category extends CategoryCore
public $field_name;
public function __construct($idCategory = null, $idLang = null, $idShop = null)
self::$definition['fields']['field_name'] = [
'type' => self::TYPE_STRING,
'validation' => 'isGenericName',
'size' => 255
parent::__construct($idCategory, $idLang, $idShop);
- self::$definition['fields']['field_name'] add a new array named field_name CategoryCore::$definition array.