Trakt clone made with Next.js + TypeScript and the TMDB API.
The goal here is to achieve a healthy devops culture and a pleasant dev experience for the project.
- Deploy v0.0.1 to Vercel ("Hello World" version)
- Setup code style formatting on IDE (ESLint config)
- Setup code style formatting on PR (GitHub Actions ESLint config)
- Setup tests (Jest)
- Setup tests on PR (GitHub Actions Jest config)
- Setup dependency watching (Dependabot)
- Setup pre-commit hooks (Husky)
- Setup Quality Gate (SonarCloud)
- Setup Quality Gate analysis on PR
- Setup Quality Gate coverage analysis
The goal here is to achieve the first look of the app.
No need to worry about authentication yet, just the UI and TMDB API integration.
- Home (mobile)
- Home (desktop)