Robust and simple Winston transport for AWS CloudWatch Logs
- Tries very hard to deliver messages, even in case of errors
- Does not fail or break when losing internet connection
- Does not implement the complex and error-prone sequence token logic (no longer needed)
- Follows AWS strict logging rules
- Truncates long messages (handling UTF-8 characters correctly)
- Customisable memory buffer size, prevents memory overrun by dropping logs when queue is full
- Logs to CloudWatch when messages have been truncated or dropped due to full queue
- Passes actual log timestamps to CloudWatch
- Cleans up resources when Winston closes the Transport
- Auto-creates log group and stream (optional)
- AWS SDK v3
import CloudWatchTransport from 'cloudwatch-winston';
import { format } from 'node:util';
const cloudWatchTransport = new CloudWatchTransport({
logGroupName: 'my-log-group',
logStreamName: new Date().toISOString().replace(/[-:]/g, '/'),
shouldCreateLogGroup: false,
shouldCreateLogStream: true,
aws: {
credentials: {
accessKeyId: '',
secretAccessKey: '',
region: 'us-east-1',
formatLog: (item) => `${item.level}: ${item.message}`,
const combineMessageAndSplat = () => ({
transform(info) {
const { [Symbol.for('splat')]: args = [], message } = info;
info.message = format(message, ...args);
return info;
const logger = winston.createLogger({
format: winston.format.combine(
// When you call close on the logger, it will automatically close the transport and clean up
// logger.close()
aws: {
credentials: { // required
accessKeyId: '',
secretAccessKey: '',
region: '',
logGroupName: '', // required
logStreamName: '', // required
// whether to auto create the log group
shouldCreateLogGroup: false,
// whether to auto create the log stream
shouldCreateLogStream: true,
// handle non-fatal errors
onError: (err) => console.error(err),
// customise how to format log messages
formatLog: ({ level, message }) => `${level}: ${message}`,
// a function that allows to you provide custom timestamp for log entries sent to CloudWatch. Must return number of milliseconds since epoch. Default: use `timestamp` metadata provided by `winston.format.timestamp()`
getTimestamp: ({ timestamp }) => +new Date(),
// minimum interval between batch requests sent to AWS (don't set too low!)
minInterval: 2000,
// max number of pending batches - once this limit is exceeded, log calls will be dropped. Note that each batch can have up to 10k messages and a total of about 1MB.
maxQueuedBatches: 100,
// Text to append to truncated message. Set to empty string to disable.
truncatedMessageSuffix: ' TRUNCATED',
// If maxQueuedBatches is exceeded, we will send queueOverrunMessage to CloudWatch Logs *once*, until queue has returned to normal again. Set to empty string to disable this behavior.
queueOverrunMessage: 'Log queue overrun',
// Whether to abandon any remaining queued batches when the transport closes, or retry them until delivered
abandonQueueOnClose: true,
DEBUG=CloudWatchTransport,CloudWatchTransport:* node test.mjs
- Max retries option?
- Types
- Seems to work ok, however simply stops working when there's a loss of internet connection
- Unmaintained
- AWS SDK v2
- Doesn't adhere to AWS strict logging rules
- Most popular
- Unmaintained
- Haven't tested
- Many issues
- Many dependencies
- Code is a bit hard to follow