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Notepad++ Keymap for VS Code


This extension ports popular Notepad++ keyboard shortcuts to Visual Studio Code.

What keyboard shortcuts are included?

Command Key
workbench.action.toggleFullScreen f11
editor.foldAll alt+0
editor.foldLevel1 alt+1
editor.foldLevel2 alt+2
editor.foldLevel3 alt+3
editor.foldLevel4 alt+4
editor.foldLevel5 alt+5
editor.foldLevel6 alt+6
editor.foldLevel7 alt+7
editor.foldLevel8 alt+8
editor.unfoldAll shift+alt+0
editor.action.startFindReplaceAction ctrl+h
editor.action.nextMatchFindAction f4
editor.action.previousMatchFindAction shift+f4
editor.action.jumpToBracket ctrl+b
editor.action.clipboardCutAction shift+delete
undo alt+backspace
redo ctrl+y
editor.action.duplicateSelection ctrl+d
editor.action.joinLines ctrl+j
editor.action.addCommentLine ctrl+q
editor.action.removeCommentLine ctrl+shift+q
workbench.action.files.saveAll ctrl+shift+s
editor.action.addCommentLine ctrl+k
editor.action.blockComment ctrl+shift+k
deleteAllLeft ctrl+shift+backspace
workbench.action.files.saveAs ctrl+alt+s
workbench.action.quit alt+f4
workbench.action.closeActiveEditor ctrl+w
deleteAllRight shift+cmd+delete
editor.action.transformToLowercase ctrl+u
editor.action.transformToUppercase ctrl+shift+u
editor.action.jumpToBracket ctrl+b
cursorColumnSelectDown shift+alt+down
cursorColumnSelectLeft shift+alt+left
cursorColumnSelectPageDown shift+alt+pagedown
cursorColumnSelectPageUp shift+alt+pageup
cursorColumnSelectRight shift+alt+right
cursorColumnSelectUp shift+alt+up
workbench.action.nextEditor ctrl+pageup
workbench.action.previousEditor ctrl+pagedown
editor.action.clipboardCopyAction ctrl+insert
editor.action.clipboardPasteAction shift+insert
editor.action.moveLinesDownAction ctrl+shift+down
editor.action.moveLinesUpAction ctrl+shift+up
editor.action.deleteLines ctrl+l
columnSelect alt+c

Recommended extensions.


Looking for Bookmarks via the F2 keys? Hi! Install the Bookmark extension and map the commands to F2 keys to get similar bookmarks functionality:

How do I contribute a keyboard shortcut?

We may have missed a keyboard shortcut. If we did please help us out! It is very easy to make a PR.

  1. Open package.json.
  2. Add a JSON object to contributes.keybindings as seen below.
  3. Open a pull request.
    "mac": "<keyboard shortcut for mac>",
    "linux": "<keyboard shortcut for linux>",
    "win": "<keyboard shortcut for windows>",
    "key": "<default keyboard shortcut>",
    "command": "<name of the command in VS Code>"

You can read more about how to contribute keybindings in extensions in the official documentation.

Mapping between VS Code and Notepad++



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Notepad++ Keybindings extension for VS Code



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