Fabrikate helps make operating Kubernetes clusters with a GitOps workflow more productive. It allows you to write DRY resource definitions and configuration for multiple environments while leveraging the broad Helm chart ecosystem, capture higher level definitions into abstracted and shareable components, and enable a GitOps deployment workflow that both simplifies and makes deployments more auditable.
In particular, Fabrikate simplifies the frontend of the GitOps workflow: it
takes a high level description of your deployment, a target environment
configuration (eg. qa
or prod
), and renders the Kubernetes resource
manifests for that deployment utilizing templating tools like
Helm. It is intended to run as part of a CI/CD pipeline such
that with every commit to your Fabrikate deployment definition triggers the
generation of Kubernetes resource manifests that an in-cluster GitOps pod like
Weaveworks' Flux watches and reconciles
with the current set of applied resource manifests in your Kubernetes cluster.
You have a couple options:
Grab the latest releases from the
releases page and place it
drop it into your $PATH
You have a couple options to build from source:
Using go get
Use go get
to build and install the bleeding edge (i.e develop
) version into
(cd && GO111MODULE=on go get github.com/microsoft/fabrikate/cmd/fab@develop)
Cloning locally:
git clone https://github.com/microsoft/fabrikate
cd fabrikate
go build -o fab cmd/fab/main.go
First, install the latest fab
cli on your local machine from
our releases, unzipping the
appropriate binary and placing fab
in your path. The fab
cli tool, helm
and git
are the only tools you need to have installed.
NOTE Fabrikate supports Helm 3, do not use Helm 2.
Let's walk through building an example Fabrikate definition to see how it works in practice. First off, let's create a directory for our cluster definition:
$ mkdir mycluster
$ cd mycluster
The first thing I want to do is pull in a common set of observability and service mesh platforms so I can operate this cluster. My organization has settled on a cloud-native stack, and Fabrikate makes it easy to leverage reusable stacks of infrastructure like this:
$ fab add cloud-native --source https://github.com/microsoft/fabrikate-definitions --path definitions/fabrikate-cloud-native
Since our directory was empty, this creates a component.yaml file in this directory:
name: mycluster
- name: cloud-native
type: component
source: https://github.com/microsoft/fabrikate-definitions
method: git
path: definitions/fabrikate-cloud-native
branch: master
A Fabrikate definition, like this one, always contains a component.yaml
in its root that defines how to generate the Kubernetes resource manifests for
its directory tree scope.
The cloud-native
component we added is a remote component backed by a git repo
Fabrikate definitions use remote definitions like this one to enable multiple
deployments to reuse common components (like this cloud-native infrastructure
stack) from a centrally updated location.
Looking inside this component at its own root component.yaml
definition, you
can see that it itself uses a set of remote components:
name: "cloud-native"
generator: "static"
path: "./manifests"
- name: "elasticsearch-fluentd-kibana"
source: "../fabrikate-elasticsearch-fluentd-kibana"
- name: "prometheus-grafana"
source: "../fabrikate-prometheus-grafana"
- name: "istio"
source: "../fabrikate-istio"
- name: "kured"
source: "../fabrikate-kured"
Fabrikate recursively iterates component definitions, so as it processes this lower level component definition, it will in turn iterate the remote component definitions used in its implementation. Being able to mix in remote components like this makes Fabrikate deployments composable and reusable across deployments.
Let's look at the component definition for the elasticsearch-fluentd-kibana component:
"name": "elasticsearch-fluentd-kibana",
"generator": "static",
"path": "./manifests",
"subcomponents": [
"name": "elasticsearch",
"generator": "helm",
"source": "https://github.com/helm/charts",
"method": "git",
"path": "stable/elasticsearch"
"name": "elasticsearch-curator",
"generator": "helm",
"source": "https://github.com/helm/charts",
"method": "git",
"path": "stable/elasticsearch-curator"
"name": "fluentd-elasticsearch",
"generator": "helm",
"source": "https://github.com/helm/charts",
"method": "git",
"path": "stable/fluentd-elasticsearch"
"name": "kibana",
"generator": "helm",
"source": "https://github.com/helm/charts",
"method": "git",
"path": "stable/kibana"
First, we see that components can be defined in JSON as well as YAML (as you prefer).
Secondly, we see that that this component generates resource definitions. In
particular, it will emit a set of static manifests from the path ./manifests
and generate the set of resource manifests specified by the inlined
Helm templates definitions as it it iterates your deployment
With generalized helm charts like the ones used here, its often necessary to
provide them with configuration values that vary by environment. This component
provides a reasonable set of defaults for its subcomponents in
. Since this component is providing these four logging
subsystems together as a "stack", or preconfigured whole, we can provide
configuration to higher level parts based on this knowledge:
namespace: elasticsearch
injectNamespace: true
memory: "2048Mi"
namespace: elasticsearch
injectNamespace: true
successfulJobsHistoryLimit: 0
config_yml: |-
- elasticsearch-client.elasticsearch.svc.cluster.local
port: 9200
use_ssl: False
namespace: fluentd
injectNamespace: true
host: "elasticsearch-client.elasticsearch.svc.cluster.local"
namespace: kibana
injectNamespace: true
elasticsearch.url: "http://elasticsearch-client.elasticsearch.svc.cluster.local:9200"
This common
configuration, which applies to all environments, can be mixed
with more specific configuration. For example, let's say that we were deploying
this in Azure and wanted to utilize its managed-premium
SSD storage class for
Elasticsearch, but only in azure
deployments. We can build an azure
configuration that allows us to do exactly that, and Fabrikate has a convenience
function called set
that enables to do exactly that:
$ fab set --environment azure --subcomponent cloud-native.elasticsearch data.persistence.storageClass="managed-premium" master.persistence.storageClass="managed-premium"
This creates a file called config/azure.yaml
that looks like this:
storageClass: managed-premium
storageClass: managed-premium
Naturally, an observability stack is just the base infrastructure we need, and
our real goal is to deploy a set of microservices. Furthermore, let's assume
that we want to be able to split the incoming traffic for these services between
and stable
tiers with Istio so that we can more
safely launch new versions of the service.
There is a Fabrikate component for that as well called fabrikate-istio-service that we'll leverage to add this service, so let's do just that:
$ fab add simple-service --source https://github.com/microsoft/fabrikate-definitions --path definitions/fabrikate-istio
This component creates these traffic split services using the config applied to
it. Let's create a prod
config that does this for a prod
cluster by creating
and placing the following in it:
namespace: services
gateway: my-ingress.istio-system.svc.cluster.local
dns: simple.mycompany.io
name: simple-service
port: 80
PORT: 80
image: "timfpark/simple-service:441"
replicas: 1
weight: 10
port: 80
cpu: "250m"
memory: "256Mi"
cpu: "1000m"
memory: "512Mi"
image: "timfpark/simple-service:440"
replicas: 3
weight: 90
port: 80
cpu: "250m"
memory: "256Mi"
cpu: "1000m"
memory: "512Mi"
This defines a service that is exposed on the cluster via a particular gateway
and dns name and port. It also defines a traffic split between two backend
tiers: canary
(10%) and stable
(90%). Within these tiers, we also define the
number of replicas and the resources they are allowed to use, along with the
container that is deployed in them. Finally, it also defines a ConfigMap for the
service, which passes along an environmental variable to our app called PORT
From here we could add definitions for all of our microservices in a similar manner, but in the interest of keeping this short, we'll just do one of the services here.
With this, we have a functionally complete Fabrikate definition for our deployment. Let's now see how we can use Fabrikate to generate resource manifests for it.
First, let's install the remote components and helm charts:
$ fab install
This installs all of the required components and charts locally and we can now generate the manifests for our deployment with:
$ fab generate prod azure
This will iterate through our deployment definition, collect configuration
values from azure
, prod
, and common
(in that priority order) and generate
manifests as it descends breadth first. You can see the generated manifests in
, which has the same logical directory structure as your
deployment definition.
Fabrikate is meant to used as part of a CI / CD pipeline that commits the generated manifests checked into a repo so that they can be applied from a pod within the cluster like Flux, but if you have a Kubernetes cluster up and running you can also apply them directly with:
$ cd generated/prod-azure
$ kubectl apply --recursive -f .
This will cause a very large number of containers to spin up (which will take time to start completely as Kubernetes provisions persistent storage and downloads the containers themselves), but after three or four minutes, you should see the full observability stack and Microservices running in your cluster.
We have complete details about how to use and contribute to Fabrikate in these documentation items:
- Component Definitions
- Config Definitions
- Command Reference
- Authentication / Personal Access Tokens (PAT) /
- Contributing
- Comparisons against other release management tools
Please join us on Slack for discussion and/or questions.
We maintain a sister project called Bedrock. Bedrock provides automata that make operationalizing Kubernetes clusters with a GitOps deployment workflow easier, automating a GitOps deployment model leveraging Flux, and provides automation for building a CI/CD pipeline that automatically builds resource manifests from Fabrikate defintions.