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How to write python code with multiverso

you-n-g edited this page Oct 12, 2016 · 13 revisions

How to write python code with multiverso

  1. You could start with the test example to learn the basic use of multiverso apis.
  2. Try the examples: The links of the original version are listed at the header part. All the modifications are commented with # MULTIVERSO: XXX and you can compare them with the original one.

Here is a typical usage of multiverso python binding.

# import multiverso.
import multiverso as mv
# Init multiverso.
# Get total number of workers.
print mv.workers_num()
# Get the id for current worker.
print mv.worker_id()
# if the worker is master worker.
print mv.is_master_worker()

# Here is your code to create tables, train models and sync values.

# Shutdown multiverso

Detailed api documents can be found in docstring of and

About the sync server an async server

When initializing multiverso, you can create a sync server or an async server by setting the sync argument. mv.init(sync=True) will create a sync server. mv.init(sync=False) will create an async server. An async server will created by default.

If a sync server is created, you must make sure every process call add and get in the same order and for the same times. Otherwise some processes will be blocked. In sync server mode, all get method will return exactly the same results.

If a async server is created, there won't be limitations like a sync server. But we can't make sure get method will return the same results. If you want to get the same results in async server mode, you should use barrier and get with the argument sync set to True to sync the processes.

Model Initialization

Before actual training, we also need to make sure each worker has the same initial model for better training performance.

Multiverso use master strategy to initialize model. Only the init_value from the master will be used in the initial model on the server and then all workers fetch same initial models.

# Create ArrayTableHandler for syncing parameters. In the constructor, Only
# the init_value from the master worker will be used in the initial model
tbh = mv.ArrayTableHandler(size, params)
# Wait for finishing the initializing phase.
# Get the initial model from the server.
params = tbh.get()

Similar strategies are already implemented in the constructors in theano_ext.sharedvar and lasagne_ext.param_manager during initialization.

About the master worker

Some things should only be done in specific worker, such as validation, outputting the results and so on. So you can benefit from mv.is_master_worker() api to mark worker 0 as the master one to complete these tasks. For example, if you want to make sure only one process will output the validation results, you can write similar code below.

import multiverso as mv
# train your model
if mv.is_master_worker():
    # validate your model
    # print your validation results

Similar strategies are also applied in theano_ext.sharedvar and lasagne_ext.param_manager during initialization and already implemented in the constructors.

How to use multiverso in theano

First, similarly, add mv.init(), mv.shutdown() and mv.barrier() mentioned above in your codebase.

In theano, parameters are usually stored in sharedVariables.

For example, sharedVariables can be created like this in a theano script.

self.W = theano.shared(
        (n_in, n_out),

If you want to use multiverso, you can modify them like this.

from multiverso.theano_ext import sharedvar
W = sharedvar.mv_shared(
        (n_in, n_out),

# build the model

# train the model

# When you are ready to add the delta of the variable to parameter
# server and sync the latest value, you can run this function

# If you want to sync all variables created by `sharedvar.mv_shared`,
# you can use this function. It will add the gradients (delta value)
# to the server and update the latest value from the server.

mv_shared is just a wrapper of theano.shared. It acts same as theano.shared, while making it more convenient to sync values.

add and get can also be used to sync parameters if you don't use shared variables.

Detailed api documents can be found in docstring of

How to use multiverso in lasagne

First, add mv.init(), mv.shutdown() and mv.barrier() mentioned above in your codebase.

Lasagne provides many functions to build models in theano. Multiverso python binding provides a manager to make managing and synchronizing the parameters in Lasagne more easily.

You can write code like this to manage your parameters. A typical usage of managing the parameters is shown as below.

from multiverso.theano_ext.lasagne_ext import param_manager

network = build_model()  # build_model is a function you implement to build model

# The LasagneParamManager will initialize the parameters and sync them with
# parameter server
lpm = param_manager.LasagneParamManager(network)

# Train the model

# When you are ready to add the delta of the variable in this model to the parameter
# server and get the latest value, you can run this function

Detailed api documents can be found in docstring of

Here is some examples of lasagne with multiverso.

How to use multiverso in Keras

First, add mv.init(), mv.shutdown() and mv.barrier() mentioned above in your codebase.

Keras provides many functions to build models. Multiverso python binding provides a callback function to make managing and synchronizing the parameters in Keras more easily. This callback function will synchronize the parameters every mini-batch.

A typical usage of the callback function is shown as below.

from multiverso.theano_ext.keras_ext.callbacks import MVCallback

model = Sequential()
# build and compile your model here

# Train the model, Y_train,
          validation_data=(X_test, Y_test),
          callbacks=[MVCallback(model, freq=1)])  # The only difference is that you add callbacks here

The only difference from the normal keras program is that you add an extra callback function. This callback function will sync parameters every freq mini batch.

Detailed api documents can be found in docstring of and

Here is some examples of keras with multiverso.

Run your multiverso program with 4 processes

Here is an example of running logistic regression with multi-process.

mpirun -np 4 python ./examples/theano/

How to use multi-GPU in theano with multiverso

You need multiple GPUs on your server and have CUDA backend installed.

First, look through this section to understand the configuration of which GPU will be used.

Second, run the program with multiverso in multiple processes.

Here is an example to make different processes use different GPUs. In this example, the i-th worker will use the i-th GPU. You need to add code like this before import theano.

import multiverso as mv
worker_id = mv.worker_id()
# NOTICE: To use multiple gpus, we need to set the environment before import theano.
if "THEANO_FLAGS" not in os.environ:
    os.environ["THEANO_FLAGS"] = 'floatX=float32,device=gpu%d,lib.cnmem=1' % worker_id

# import theano after this