Query data from SQL DB and dump data into bigquery.
npm install sql2bq --save
We need google client_secret, privatekey_pem and key_pem in config file let this apk to connect your bq. If you don't have google client_secret, privatekey_pem or key_pem, follow the doc: http://gappsnews.blogspot.tw/2013/10/connect-cloud-platform-bigquery-using.html before you create init file. Then you can copy the config example file at sql2bq/lib/config-example:
var mysql = {
host: '$ipAddress',
port: $port,
user: '$dbAccount',
password: '$dbpwd',
database: '$dbName'
exports.mysqlcfg = mysql;
var bq = {
scope: 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/bigquery https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform',
client_secret: '$client_secret',
privatekey_pem: '$privatekey_pem',
key_pem: '$key_pem',
projectId: '$projectID',
dataset: '$dataset'
exports.bq = bq;
Put your parament of your local SQL server and google project into this file, then save as: sql2bq/lib/config/cfg.js. Or you can use sql2bq/bin/init.js to create config folder and file:
node bin/init.js
Check your config file and start use this sdk.
You can just use sql command to query your data from SQL DB and upload to your bq.
sql2bq-load -q 'select * from <db_table>' -t <bq_name>
The operation: -q and -t are require when you use this sdk. We provide some operations in this sdk:
-p, --project <project>, Specify the BigQuery project
-d, --dataset <dsname>, Specify the dataset name
-q, --query <command>, Specify the sql command you want input(require)
-t, --table <tablename>, Specify the table name(require)