Releases: michu2k/t3-portfolio
Releases · michu2k/t3-portfolio
Version 0.3.1
Version 0.3.0
Major changes:
- The AWS documentation has been updated. The previous version of the documentation wasn't fully correct, so the documentation has been fully rewritten.
- Rewritten S3 logic, making it easier to use the same functions for different file types.
- The dashboard has been updated by adding skeletons to the pages. The skeletons will improve the user experience and speed up the initial page loading. A minor change has also been added to queries within a single page, so the API won't send queries to the database for new item forms.
- The Dropzone component has been updated. It is now possible to instantly change an image without deleting it first. It is also easier to use the dropzone component with different content.
- Replaced icon size class with size property
- server: Added a new
function - s3: Removed code related to resizing images
- s3: Return key from deleteFileFromS3 fn
- s3: Renamed createImage => uploadImage
- api: Updated the image & project procedures to use the
- Added skeletons
- ThemeSwitch: Added minimum width to prevent layout shifts
- theme-provider: Disable system theme
- Slightly adjusted lists styles
- Dropzone: Updated spacing and icon size on mobile devices
- Dropzone: Extracted dropzone content into a separate component, added dropzone context
- Dropzone: Correctly display file types - if extensions don't exist, show MIME type instead
- FileThumbnail: Wrap card actions in an additional flex wrapper
- Updated the about & project image actions
- file: Updated accepted image types (Added .webp & .avif formats, removed .gif format)
- Cardfile: Removed gif format from the accepted image types list
- ImageCard: Display a folder icon if the given file is not an image
- Added a new file thumbnail component
- Renamed ImageCard => FileThumbnail
- Moved revalidatePath outside the useSnippets hook
- Various fixes
Landing page:
- Adjusted image sizes on the mobile devices
- Various fixes
Version 0.2.3
- Adjusted fonts, so Poppins: 400 won't longer be needed
- Used the size class for elements with the same width and height
- globals.css: Added --ring variable
- Replaced focus styles with .ring-appearance utility
- validations/experience: Changed max name length to 256 chars
- .eslintrc: Enabled a11y recommended rules
- pkg.json: Updated next to the latest version
- pkg.json: Added eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y package
- image-card: Set the image size to 192px
- AboutMe: Moved getImage query to the server component
- Navigation: Memoized NavigationItem component
- ImageCard, ProjectList: Set default image priority to true
- PageHeader: Changed position to fixed and added a wrapper to fix the scroll warning
Landing page:
- Slightly rounded images & buttons
- Adjusted section spacing
- Added focus styles to the project images
Version 0.2.2
- Updated tRPC to v11 & adjusted T3 initial configs
- Sign-in auth checks have been moved to the page.tsx file
- Authentication checks have been moved from layout to pages.
- Added additional auth helpers that make this code easier to maintain.
- Added a separate function for getting the snippet data. The function should improve the code readability & protect against passing incorrect parameters.
- Fixed various sidebar bugs ("jumping" sidebar on mobile devices, incorrect styles)
- ImageCard: File name will be truncated if it is too long
- Adjusted image card button styles (button is now slightly smaller)
- Eslint config has been updated (Added simple-import-sort rules)
- Added a new getAllSnippets procedure which returns all snippets grouped by type
- landing-page: Use one query to retrieve all snippet data instead of using multiple queries
- Multiple UI animations have been added to the landing page.
- Added MotionInViewWrapper component
- Added & configured ESLint auto import sort
- Extracted extractSnippetValues fn to a separate file
- Updated packages to the latest minor versions (Some packages have been updated to the latest major versions)
- server: Renamed GetSnippetData => getSnippetsByType
- prisma: Delete unnecessary keys from the SnippetType enum
- prisma: Added initial migration
- Updated Github workflow
- Minor fixes & improvements
Version 0.2.1
- Added robots.txt file
- Added missing the notFound() function to the project page.\
- Added sharp package
- uploadFileToS3: Added image sizes support
- Specified sizes for the about-me image and project thumbnails
hook now uses window.matchMedia- Removed unnecessary useWindowSize hook
Version 0.2.0
- Updated landing page layout
- Added a "Home page preview" button to the layout sidebar and updated the page headers
- Added
env - Moved the list and the form queries to the page server component, which gives us faster data response thanks to the server-side queries.
- Moved item list actions to a dropdown, instead of showing them in the list
- Updated the lucide-react package
- On the mobile view, both headers have been merged into one
- HeaderButton: Fixed incorrect scroll hash
- Added sizes property to the Images
- Separator: Added "orientation" property
- Sidebar: Close sidebar on URL change
- Dropdown: New!
- Button: Adjusted sizes
- Removed unused files
- Updated preview.jpg
- Updated
- Various fixes & improvements