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Students will build an app to access the photos of NASA's Mars Rovers. This app will help students practice and solify the following concepts in Objective-C:
- Table Views
- Collection Views
- REST API calls
- Caching data
- Bridging Objective-C files so they are usable in Swift code.
Please note and be aware that parts of these instructions are intentionally vague as this is Unit 5, and you have accrued a lot of experience thus far. A decent portion of this app is fairly simple, and you have done these things many times (Table Views, model objects, etc.), simply not in Objective-C. Remember the 20 minute rule, and try Googling, looking at Stack Overflow, and use the documentation before you ask a mentor. This is for your own benefit to help you aquire the skills to find solutions independently.
You will need three model objects in this project. First, a model representing a Mars rover, second, a photo that a rover took, and third, a description of each sol.
Create a new Cocoa Touch subclass of NSObject
for each of these three model objects.
Add properties for the following model objects:
Name of the rover
The launch date
Landing date
The max sol that represents the most recent sol that photos exist for the rover
The max date (on Earth) that the photos exist for the rover
The status of the rover. Make an enum (
) representing either active or complete. Follow standard naming convention forNS_ENUM
s. -
The number of photos taken by the rover
An array of sol descriptions
The photo's identifier
The sol it was taken
The name of the camera that took the photo
The Earth date it was taken
The url to the image
Sol Description:
Which sol it is
The amount of photos taken during the sol
An array of cameras as strings
On the photo model, you will have to add the Objective-C equivalent of the Equatable Protocol using the method
Think about where we're getting the data from, and create an appropriate initializer for each model object.
Create a new Cocoa Touch subclass of NSObject
called MarsRoverClient
with a three letter prefix at the start. This will be where we make the network calls to get the JSON from NASA's API.
In the header file, create four method signatures:
has a completion block as a parameter that returns an array of rover names, and an error.fetchMissionManifestForRoverNamed
takes in a string and has a completion block that returns an instance of your rover model, and an errorfetchPhotosFromRover
that takes in an instance of your rover model, which sol you want photos for, and a completion block that returns an array of photos, and an error.fetchImageDataForPhoto
that takes in an instance of your photo model, and has a completion block that returns imageData (NSData
, notData
Look here and here at the sections named 'Blocks As Completion Handlers' for both of them for better understanding of blocks.
Take the time to look through the documentation for the API here. It will be essential that you can navigate and know how to find the information needed from the API in these next steps, again as the instructions are intentionally vague.
In the .m file, add the following private class methods:
- Copy and paste this snippet. There is a file called APIKeys.plist that should be in your project if you cloned the repo. This contains the API key for NASA's API, and returns it to you as an instance of
. There is an APIKeys.plist file in your project. Go to NASA's API documentation here and go through the process to get an API key. Once you're done, add the API key to the plist file as the value, and make the key"APIKey"
. You will use this in the client later.
+ (NSString *)apiKey {
static NSString *apiKey = nil;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
NSURL *apiKeysURL = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"APIKeys" withExtension:@"plist"];
if (!apiKeysURL) {
NSLog(@"Error! APIKeys file not found!");
NSDictionary *apiKeys = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:apiKeysURL];
apiKey = apiKeys[@"APIKey"];
return apiKey;
- Create a class method called
that returns an instance ofNSURL
created from the base url of the API. - Create a class method called
that takes in a string called 'roverName' and returns anNSURL
pointing to the mission manifest of the rover passed in. (hint: It should return an instance ofNSURL
created using the baseURL and the information passed in to create a more specific url pointing to the information for that mission) - Create a class method called urlForPhotosFromRover that takes in a string called 'roverName' and the sol that you want photos for, then like above, return a new, more specific
pointing to the photos for the given rover and sol.
Make sure that you add the API key as one of the query items in your urls above.
You will now fill out the methods that you defined in the .h file. The following four methods will all use NSURLSession
, and follow the same steps as in Swift to take a URL, get data from it, turn it into JSON, and then turn the JSON into our model objects. Use the class methods we made above to create the URLs necessary. Refer to the NetworkController we've used in Unit 3 projects such as Representatives or Pokedex if needed. Remember to look at what each method should return through the completion block for the end goal of the method.
Implement the following view hierarchy in the Storyboard. As you create each scene in the storyboard, create the appropriate Cocoa Touch files for each scene. Follow standard file naming conventions.
- The project will have a
as its initial View Controller embedded in aUINavigationController
, with a basic cell. This will show a list of the Mars Rovers. - From the table view cell, create a show segue that will then display a list of sols that contain photos. The cell style should be able to show which sol it is, and how many photos were taken on that sol.
- From the table view cell just created, create a show segue to a
. The collection view's cell should have an image view that fills the whole cell. Each cell will display a preview of the sol's photos. Remember to create a Cocoa Touch file for the collection view cell as well. - From the collection view cell, create a show segue to a new
that will display a larger version of the image on the cell that you segued from, along with labels to display which camera the photo was taken with, which sol it was taken on, and the Earth date it was taken on.
If you haven't already, create Cocoa Touch Files for the views and view controllers you just made in the Storyboard.
- Create a private array called
that will be the data source for the table view. - Call the appropriate method to fetch the Mars Rovers available to display, and set the
array to the returned rovers in the completion handler. - Implement the
methods. - Using the prepareForSegue method, pass the appropriate information to the destination view controller. Make sure that the destination view controller has a public property that serves as a placeholder to put the information to.
- Implement the
methods. (hint: Use the passed rover's solDescriptions) - Create a custom setter for the public rover property that checks if the rover being passed through the setter is the same as the current rover (
). If it isn't, then set the current rover to the one passed into the setter, and also reload the tableview. Remember that this setter is where we can do the Objective-C equivalent of a SwiftwillSet
. - In the prepareForSegue, you should pass two things to the destination view controller; the rover that the SolsTableViewController got from the initial view controller's prepareForSegue, and the sol from the cell that the user just tapped on. (Again, make sure to create public properties on the destination view controller to be placeholders for these two things)
At this point, you should be able to run the app and be able to select a rover from the inital table view controller, and see a list of its sols that have photos on the table view controller that you segue to. Make sure this works before continuing.
You will set up the collection view controller to display thumbnail images of each photo taken on the sol passed into it.
Create two private properties:
- An instance of your MarsRoverClient
- An array of photo references.
Create a method called
that doesn't return anything, but uses the appropriate MarsRoverClient method to fetch the photo references from the API, and sets the photo references property you just made to the photo references returned from the API. Call this method in theviewDidLoad
If you haven't already, go to your custom collection view cell file, create the necessary outlet. In the implementation of the cell file, call the prepareForReuse
function. This will be explained later on, we will come back to it.
The private photo references property will be your data source for the collection view. Implement the required UICollectionViewDataSource
methods. For now, just set the cell's imageView's image to the placeholder image in the assets folder.
Implement the prepareForSegue method to pass the photo reference from the cell that the user taps on.
Create a new Cocoa Touch file, called PhotoCache (with a prefix) as a subclass of NSObject. We will set up a cache in the device's memory for our photos so we aren't needlessly performing network calls to re-download photos that we've already downloaded from the API. We wil be using a class called NSCache
to accomplish this. Take the time to look at the documentation (and elsewhere if you want) to understand how NSCache
works before moving on.
- In the header file, create the following:
- A singleton instance called
- A method that returns nothing called
that takes in data of typeNSData
and an identifier as anNSInteger
. This will be used to store the image data returned from the api, and store it so that later on, we can access it whenever we want without having to do another network call. - A method called
that takes in an identifier as anNSInteger
, and returnsNSData
. This is the method used to access/fetch the image data in the cache instead of the API.
- A singleton instance called
In the .m file:
Create a private property called 'cache' of type
Fill out the initializer:
- Set the private cache you just created to a new instance of
- Set the cache's name property to
or something similar to uniquely identify the cache.
- Set the private cache you just created to a new instance of
method should simply call the appropriate method on the private cache property to set the image data in the cache with the identifier as the key. (Remember thatNSCache
stores data as key-value pairs.) -
Similarly, the
method should return the data in the cache, using the identifier as the key.
Now that we have set up the cache to store our images, let's go back to the PhotosCollectionViewController
in the cellForItemAtIndexPath
and refactor it so that it will fetch photos, and make use of the photo cache to efficiently store and fetch them from there.
In the cellForItemAtIndexPath
of the PhotosCollectionViewController:
- Grab an instance of your
model object from your array of photo references. - Use the photo you just got and run it through your caches
method. Create a property called 'cachedData' to hold theNSData
it returns. - Check if the the cachedData is nil or not. If it isn't nil (there is NSData), initialize a new
with the cachedData and set the cell's imageView's image to the new image. If it is nil, set the cell's imageView to the placeholder image in the Assets folder. - We don't want to keep the placeholder image on the cell forever, so use the MarsRoverClient class we made to fetch the appropriate image, then set the cell's imageView's image to the returned image.
We need to go back to the PhotoCollectionViewCell and use the prepareForReuse
function. Its purpose is to do any setup needed before the cell gets reused in the collection view. What you will do is set the cell's image view's image back to the placeholder image.
We need to implement the prepareForSegue
method on the PhotosCollectionViewController
to pass the instance of our photo model object that from the collection view cell the user taps on.
- Like before, create a public property in the destination view controller (
) to place the photo. The destination view controller file should be a Swift file. - Implement the
and pass the photo object to the destination view controller
The last thing we need to do is put the correct information in the labels, and the right image into the image view.
- Create a private function that follows the
pattern you should be familiar with by now. This function should be called as soon as the photo property on this view controller is set. - The photo model object doesn't contain the UIImage to be displayed. You will have to get it from the cache, or if it doesn't exist in the cache, you will have to use the
to fetch the image. Handle both cases accordingly. - Also in the
function, make the date that will be put into the dateLabel look good. (hint: Use aDateFormatter
Run the project and make sure everything works.