A small serverless application using serverless stack (sst) demonstrating one approach to integration testing serverless applications.
To deploy run
> yarn install
> yarn run deploy
During deployment, certain cloud formation outputs will be captured (for example the deployed API Gateway endpoint) and stored as SSM parameters. These parameters are then retrieved and written to an .env
file to be used during testing and in various helper scripts.
The solution contains a mix of unit and integration test. The integration test calls the API Gateway endpoint with a random order and then asserts that both the order was persisted to DynamoDB and that the place-order
message was published to EventBridge.
To test EventBridge an auxiliary SQS queue is provisioned (but only in non production environments) which subscribes to all events in our EventBridge event bus.
To run the tests, execute
> yarn test
To aid in testing I have written a couple of jest matchers that poll SQS or DynamoDB looking for a matching record.
- toHaveDynamoDBRecordMatching
- toHaveSQSMessageMatching
You can see examples below
await expect({
table: env.TABLE_NAME,
key: { orderId: order.orderId },
await expect({
queueUrl: env.E2E_TEST_QUEUE_URL,
eventBusName: env.BUS_NAME,
source: expect.any(String),
'detail-type': 'order-placed',
detail: order,
> yarn run export-env
This generates an .env
from any SSM parameters its finds for the given stage and application. This will be automatically run as part of the application deploy.
An example .env
A http
file that can be triggered via the REST Client Visual Studio Code extension . This allows you to post a random order the to the API Gateway endpoint (read from the .env
file). You can use this in conjunction with the script below to post and order and see the place-order
EventBridge message.
> yarn run tail-eventbridge
This will listen to all events on the EventBridge bus and dump them to the console.
How to include SNS and Kinesis in your e2e tests
How to test your EventBridge integrations
Bridge Integrity — Integration Testing Strategy for EventBridge Based Serverless Architectures