A CodeToRun.R
is provided in the extras folder.
See the instructions at https://ohdsi.github.io/Hades/rSetup.html for configuring your R environment, including Java and RStudio.
Download this project and run it in the same directory.
Execute the following R code for the environment:
Edit the variables below to the correct values for your environment:
# 1. Open this project in RStudio and restore the R environment
# 2. Edit the variables below to create a connection and run CohortDiagnostics
# postgresql", "snowflake", "spark", and "redshift", "sql server"
dbms <- "..."
host <- Sys.getenv("...")
dbname <- Sys.getenv("...")
user <- Sys.getenv("...")
password <- Sys.getenv("...")
port <- Sys.getenv("...")
connectionDetails <- DatabaseConnector::createConnectionDetails(dbms = dbms,
server = paste0(host, "/", dbname),
user = user,
password = password,
port = port)
connection <- DatabaseConnector::connect(connectionDetails)
# The database schema where the observational data in CDM is located
cdmDatabaseSchema <- "..."
# The database schema where the cohorts can be instantiated
cohortDatabaseSchema <- "..."
# The name of the table that will be created in the cohortDatabaseSchema
cohortTable <- paste0("tmp_cohort_", as.integer(Sys.time()) %% 10000)
# A folder with cohorts
cohortsFolder <- here::here("inst", "cohorts")
# The databaseId is a short (<= 20 characters)
databaseId <- "YOUR_DATABASE_ID"
# A folder on the local file system to store results
outputDir <- here::here(paste("results", databaseId))
# test connection details ----
connection <- DatabaseConnector::connect(connectionDetails)
test <- DatabaseConnector::renderTranslateQuerySql(
"select count(*) as n_persons from @cdmDatabaseSchema.person",
cdmDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema) |> dplyr::pull(1)
print(paste(test, "persons in the cdm database"))
# setup output folder and log -----
if (!file.exists(outputDir)) {
dir.create(outputDir, recursive = TRUE)
Please upload the zip file.