is a Rust implementation of Sudachi, a Japanese morphological analyzer.
日本語 README, SudachiPy Documentation
Install Python version
pip install --upgrade 'sudachipy>=0.6.9'
or Rust version
$ git clone
$ cd ./
$ cargo build --release
$ cargo install --path sudachi-cli/
$ ./
$ echo "高輪ゲートウェイ駅" | sudachi
高輪ゲートウェイ駅 名詞,固有名詞,一般,*,*,* 高輪ゲートウェイ駅
Multi-granular Tokenization
$ echo 選挙管理委員会 | sudachi
選挙管理委員会 名詞,固有名詞,一般,*,*,* 選挙管理委員会
$ echo 選挙管理委員会 | sudachi --mode A
選挙 名詞,普通名詞,サ変可能,*,*,* 選挙
管理 名詞,普通名詞,サ変可能,*,*,* 管理
委員 名詞,普通名詞,一般,*,*,* 委員
会 名詞,普通名詞,一般,*,*,* 会
Normalized Form
$ echo 打込む かつ丼 附属 vintage | sudachi
打込む 動詞,一般,*,*,五段-マ行,終止形-一般 打ち込む
かつ丼 名詞,普通名詞,一般,*,*,* カツ丼
附属 名詞,普通名詞,サ変可能,*,*,* 付属
vintage 名詞,普通名詞,一般,*,*,* ビンテージ
Wakati (space-delimited surface form) Output
$ cat lemon.txt
$ sudachi --wakati lemon.txt
えたい の 知れ ない 不吉 な 塊 が 私 の 心 を 始終 圧え つけ て い た 。
焦躁 と 言おう か 、 嫌悪 と 言おう か ― ― 酒 を 飲ん だ あと に 宿酔 が ある よう に 、 酒 を 毎日 飲ん で いる と 宿酔 に 相当 し た 時期 が やっ て 来る 。
それ が 来 た の だ 。 これ は ちょっと いけ なかっ た 。
You need, default plugins, and a dictionary. (This crate don't include dictionary.)
git clone
Sudachi requires a dictionary to operate.
You can download a dictionary ZIP file from WorksApplications/SudachiDict (choose one from small
, core
, or full
), unzip it, and place the system_*.dic
file somewhere.
By the default setting file, assumes that it is placed at resources/system.dic
Optionally, you can use the
shell script to download a dictionary and install it to resources/system.dic
# fetch latest core dictionary
# fetch dictionary of specified version and type
./ 20241021 small
cargo build --release
This was un-implemented and does not work currently, see WorksApplications#35
Specify the bake_dictionary
feature to embed a dictionary into the binary.
The sudachi
executable will contain the dictionary binary.
The baked dictionary will be used if no one is specified via cli option or setting file.
You must specify the path the dictionary file in the SUDACHI_DICT_PATH
environment variable when building.
is relative to the directory (or absolute).
Example on Unix-like system:
# Download dictionary to resources/system.dic
$ ./
# Build with bake_dictionary feature (relative path)
$ env SUDACHI_DICT_PATH=resources/system.dic cargo build --release --features bake_dictionary
# or
# Build with bake_dictionary feature (absolute path)
$ env SUDACHI_DICT_PATH=/path/to/my-sudachi.dic cargo build --release --features bake_dictionary
$ cd
$ cargo install --path sudachi-cli/
$ which sudachi
$ sudachi -h
sudachi 0.6.0
A Japanese tokenizer
$ sudachi -h
A Japanese tokenizer
Usage: sudachi [OPTIONS] [FILE] [COMMAND]
Builds system dictionary
Builds user dictionary
Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
Input text file: If not present, read from STDIN
-r, --config-file <CONFIG_FILE>
Path to the setting file in JSON format
-p, --resource_dir <RESOURCE_DIR>
Path to the root directory of resources
-m, --mode <MODE>
Split unit: "A" (short), "B" (middle), or "C" (Named Entity) [default: C]
-o, --output <OUTPUT_FILE>
Output text file: If not present, use stdout
-a, --all
Prints all fields
-w, --wakati
Outputs only surface form
-d, --debug
Debug mode: Print the debug information
-l, --dict <DICTIONARY_PATH>
Path to sudachi dictionary. If None, it refer config and then baked dictionary
--split-sentences <SPLIT_SENTENCES>
How to split sentences [default: yes]
-h, --help
Print help (see more with '--help')
-V, --version
Print version
Columns are tab separated.
- Surface
- Part-of-Speech Tags (comma separated)
- Normalized Form
When you add the -a
) flag, it additionally outputs
- Dictionary Form
- Reading Form
- Dictionary ID
for the system dictionary1
and above for the user dictionaries-1
if a word is Out-of-Vocabulary (not in the dictionary)
- Synonym group IDs
if a word is Out-of-Vocabulary (not in the dictionary)
$ echo "外国人参政権" | sudachi -a
外国人参政権 名詞,普通名詞,一般,*,*,* 外国人参政権 外国人参政権 ガイコクジンサンセイケン 0 []
echo "阿quei" | sudachipy -a
阿 名詞,普通名詞,一般,*,*,* 阿 阿 -1 [] (OOV)
quei 名詞,普通名詞,一般,*,*,* quei quei -1 [] (OOV)
When you add -w
) flag, it outputs space-delimited surface instead.
$ echo "外国人参政権" | sudachi -m A -w
外国 人 参政 権
See API reference page.
- Out of Vocabulary handling
- Easy dictionary file install & management, similar to SudachiPy
- Registration to
- WorksApplications/Sudachi
- WorksApplications/SudachiDict
- WorksApplications/SudachiPy
- msnoigrs/gosudachi
- agatan/yoin: A Japanese Morphological Analyzer written in pure Rust
- wareya/notmecab-rs: notmecab-rs is a very basic mecab clone, designed only to do parsing, not training.
- Sudachi Logo
- Crab illustration: Pixabay