A Vagrant setup of an Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid) virtual machine which provisions with chef-solo an Openfire XMPP server using MySQL as the storage backend.
Automatically configured to use UTC.
- Vagrant 0.8.7
- VirtualBox >= 4.1.0
If you don't have a lucid32 base machine in Vagrant:
$ vagrant box add lucid32 http://files.vagrantup.com/lucid32.box
Once you are all set with the box, in the directory where you have checked out this project you do:
$ vagrant up
After some time you should have a virtual machine provisioned and running a copy of Openfire with the following default ports mapped to localhost:
openfire_xmpp1: 5269 => 5269
openfire_xmpp: 7070 => 7070
openfire_xmpp2: 5222 => 5222
openfire_xmpp3: 5223 => 5223
openfire_admin: 9090 => 9090
ssh: 22 => 2222
Upon successful startup you can direct your browser to http://localhost:9090 and log into the Openfire administration panel with user: admin / password: admin
Uses modified cookbooks from:
Inspired by the project available in osw-vagrant