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Google Closure extern files for React Native


In short there are still benefits from doing advanced optimization.

One of the advantages of React Native is hot release (= ability to deploy new version without AppStore review). Here simple ClojureScript application with Om-Next:

Optimisation level Size Size (gzip best)
simple 1.1MB 148KB
advanced 169KB 43KB

The difference would be bigger for the real app which includes different libraries, etc. Imagine that you have 100k users and you do weekly release, calculate the traffic.

Another reason for the advanced optimisation - it's really good obfuscator. With React Native all your source code is available in the app bundle and it's dramatically easy to replicate the app. With advanced optimisations it's much easier to write software from scratch rather than steal the source and try to go through all the garbage from Google Closure


All the components and API of React Native itself should be covered


If you are using ClojureScript with Reagent/Om/Om-Next or any other CLJS wrapper around React make sure that you exclude browser React version:

{:dependencies [[react-native-externs "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"]
                [org.omcljs/om "1.0.0-alpha25" :exclusions [cljsjs/react cljsjs/react-dom]]]

Otherwise you will end up with two versions of React: browser and native, which hopefully wouldn't conflict with each other.

If you are not ClojureScript user - then simply grab React Native externs file


  • Tired of ClojureScript <> JS interop and looking for React Native wrapper? Have a look on ktoa
  • Looking for the easy start with ClojureScript and Om-Next? Have a look on lein template for om-next


  • Put it in NPM and CLJSJS? NPM in case Scala.JS or any other language which use Google Closure can use it?


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