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Tool to detect and correct OSM route relation members

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OSMRouteFix aims to make creating and maintaining OSM route relations easier. It builds on the GraphHopper routing engine and is released under Apache License 2.0.

OSMRouteFix currently is a proof-of-concept. A demo for the Baden-Wuerttemberg region in Germany is available at Currently only detour routes and PTv2 public transport routes are supported.

Creating a route from scratch

If you want to start a route from scratch, you may use the web ui, choose the route type for the relation you want to create and add start, via and end points. When done, you may download a changeset template in level0l format, which you can apply e.g. in the level0-editor. Note that the created template contains some empty tags which you should either fill or delete.

Retracing an existing route

You may enter a route ID of an existing route relation and select "Load". OSMRouteFix will use node members as start/end/via nodes to calculate a route. Dependending on the route type, the following members are used as route points:

  • detour: node members with role start, via, end
  • bus: node members with role stop

Note: for bus, currently only PTv2 routes with stop_positions as stop members are supported. I.e. no snapping of bus_stops or platforms is performed.


We think this tool could be helpful for the OSM community to detect and correct errors in route relations. However, you should keep in mind, that automated edits are not intended. Any tagging/mapping error on a feature, every temporarilly added construction or whatever might result in a route result which should not be applied automatically.

Help wanted

This project is still a prototype. Many features are missing: the BusFlagEncoder only covers a few special cases for bus routing, the BusRouteStrategy could snap bus_stops to the closest highway way, usability of the UI is poor, additional route types could be added... If you deem this tool helpful and want to support it, we'd be glad to receive your pull requests :-)



Run a dockerized OSMRouteFix from sources:

docker build -t osmroutefix:master .
docker run -d --name osmroutefix -v <path_data_directory>/data:/data -p 8989:8989 osmroutefix:master


Create a dockerized OSMRouteFix containing just pre-built jar (~25MB on top of standard openjdk-image):

Note: The pbf files must already be downloaded to the data directory. The data is not downloades by the container.

npm run bundleProduction
mnv install docker:build
docker run -d --name osmroutefix -v <path_data_directory>/data:/osmroutefix/data -p 8989:8989 osmroutefix:latest

See also the builds at Docker Hub


In accordance with the base project GrapHopper we built upon, we chose the Apache License.

Nevertheless, we suggest that you contribute back your changes.


Tool to detect and correct OSM route relation members






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