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The executable, a port of the Python Server Monitoring Script, is designed to be run as a cronjob on every boot to run in the background. The script will gather information:

  • UUID (Unique for each system to avoid overlapping hostname for multi-network monitoring)
  • Hostname
  • CPU
  • Memory
  • Network Usage
  • Network Cards
  • Hard Drives
  • System OS
  • System Uptime
  • UTC Timestamp

The executable will produce a JSON output at set intervals for use with any software or server accepting a JSON input. Example:

    "hostname": "HOME-LAPTOP1",
    "system": {
        "name": "Windows",
        "version": "10"
    "uptime" : 231199,
    "cpu_count": 4,
    "cpu_usage": 17.9,
    "memory_total": 8440942592,
    "memory_used": 6244225024,
    "memory_used_percent": 74.0,
    "drives": [
            "name": "C:",
            "mount_point": "C:",
            "type": "NTFS",
            "total_size": 536224985088,
            "used_size": 167306108928,
            "percent_used": 31.2
            "name": "D:",
            "mount_point": "D:",
            "type": "NTFS",
            "total_size": 463332921344,
            "used_size": 49498419200,
            "percent_used": 10.7
    "network_up": 54,
    "network_down": 4150,
    "network_cards": [
            "address": "",
            "address6": "::1",
            "mac": "",
            "name": "Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1",
            "netmask": ""
            "address": "",
            "address6": "fe80::844d:a87:54ea:2100",
            "mac": "1C-39-47-A6-4C-5E",
            "name": "Ethernet",
            "netmask": ""
    "timestamp" : "2018-10-10T01:41:21+00:00",
    "uuid" : 180331603484325

The script includes a function to POST JSON to a remote server.

This script can be installed on several machines that report to a central monitoring server.

The destination, checking interval, sending attempts after failure and timeout between resending attempts can be set through arguments, use goscout -h for more.


Download the latest release.

To test the script output run with goscout or goscout.exe in the terminal.

Linux Autostart

Create a cron job to run the script on every boot.

Edit cron with crontab -e.

Add the script at the bottom of the cron list as @reboot /path/to/script/goscout.

Windows Autostart

To create an autostart for Windows open start menu and search for Task Scheduler.

Select Create Task.

Enter a name e.g. monitor.

Add new trigger at login.

Add a new action and select the goscout.exe executable.

Unselect Stop task if it runs longer than 3 days.

Select Okay.

A new task will be created that runs the python monitoring script in the background every time a user starts the system and logs in.


MF Softworks [email protected]