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玖亖伍 edited this page Apr 20, 2019 · 3 revisions


# windows
supernode.exe -l <port>
# linux
supernode -l <port>

# example:
# listen UDP port on 5566, you should config firewall to allow other pc to connect your upd port `5566`
supernode -l 5566


# view edge help info
edge --help
# connect to a supernode example
edge -d edge0 -a -c p2pnet -k p2ppwd -l -m ae:a0:af:a7:47:5b -f
# view network devices info
# linux
# windows


  • if your os is windows, you should download openvpn and install it, it will install TAP-Windows which can create virtual network interface card(n2n edge need it). but, you can only install TAP-Windows.
  • openvpn or TAP-Windows download page:

edge parameters' explain:

-d <tun device> # name of virtual network interface card
-a <mode:address> # your local ip address assigned
-c <community> # private network name
-k <encrypt key> # password of private network
-l <supernode host:port> # supernode address
-m <MAC address> # your local mac address
-f # Do not fork and run as a daemon; rather run in foreground.

you can join a private network with your friends by:

  1. same -l parameter, connect to same a supernode
  2. same -c and -k parameters, you can understand as "open same a lock with the same key"
  3. difference -a parameter, also difference -m parameter if you specified
  4. difference -d parameter with your local existed network interface card
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