Useful React components and hooks for building and using Metapages in your own projects.
Install the package:
npm i @metapages/metapage-react
Use hooks to interact with metaframe inputs and outputs
Usage: metaframe inputs + outputs in a react app
Example listening to inputs and setting outputs:
First in your main root render:
<App />
Then anywhere else:
import {
} from "@metapages/metaframe-react";
export const App: FunctionalComponent = () => {
// a nice hook handles all the metaframe machinery
const metaframeObj: MetaframeObject = useMetaframe();
// Respond to new inputs two ways:
// 1) this listening mode is bound to reacts render hooks. It is convenient, but less efficient
useEffect(() => {
console.log(`I got new inputs from some other metaframe! ${inputs}`);
}, [metaframeObj.inputs]);
// Respond to new inputs two ways:
// 2) bind the listener and cleanup
useEffect(() => {
if (!metaframeObj.metaframe) {
const disposer = metaframeObj.metaframe.onInput("someInputName", (inputValue) => {
console.log(`I got new inputs from on channel someInputName! ${inputValue}`);
return () => {
}, [metaframeObj.metaframe]);
// somewhere set outputs
if (metaframeObj.setOutputs) {
metaframeObj.setOutputs({"some": "outputs"})
// let the metapage know we are going to modify our own hash params from user interaction
useEffect(() => {
if (metaframeObj.metaframe) {
}, [metaframeObj.metaframe]);
// Just render the inputs
return <div> {metaframeObj.inputs} </div>