Lacrado is a simple web application that allows users to create messages that will be self destroyed after reaching a maximum number of views (1 by default) and/or after an expiration date (3 days).
The typical use case scenario would be to share a credential via email. Whereas if you send directly the credential, it will be stored in the Inbox permanently, by sending a self destroying message link this can be avoided (and yes, still the receiver can do crazy things...). Messaging tools such as Signal WhatsApp or Telegram support a similar feature, so, this is just an alternative.
Lacrado is a simple ruby on rails application.
TODO -- Explain the technicalities of how lacrado works.
TODO -- Threat model
git clone
cd lacrado/
Launch the service:
rails db:migrate
rails s
If a migration is updated during development
rails db:drop db:create db:migrate