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Data product transparency

Josip Skafar edited this page Jun 23, 2023 · 9 revisions

Data product transparency enables transparency on the data products available in the company and integrating them with Data sharing transparency. In typical self service manner data product owner can register data product:



Data product owner can enter:

  • main information about data product
  • contact info for this data product
  • data description and classification of this data product
  • information about Personall Identifyable Information in case it is part of data product
  • information about possibility of processing the data in other countries then where it was collected
  • identification of insider information and potential deletion requirements

After publishing data product it is visible for all users. Potential consumer can then request to use this data product, when this is happening, data that is entered here is used for Data sharing provider part of the process.

Data sharing contracts resulting from this data product are listed under data product definition: image

Entire featureset can be used also over API: https://api.*baseurl*/swagger-ui.html


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