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PSR-18-compatible wrapper around Guzzle's HTTP client


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HTTP-Client is a PSR-18-compatible wrapper around Guzzle's \GuzzleHttp\Client, providing enhanced default settings with customizable retry logic. It ensures that cURL is used for all requests and offers built-in error-handling mechanisms to improve debugging and resilience.

Guzzle's built-in retry mechanism requires a lot of boilerplate code and is difficult to use in real-world scenarios. It also has a major limitation: you can't modify a request before retrying. This becomes a problem when a token expires, and you need to update an Authentication header or a form parameter with a new token. One of Guzzle’s key benefits is its ability to automatically create request bodies based on request options, like JSON encoding or assembling form parameters from an array. However, its built-in retry middleware does not support this feature. In version 1.5, this library introduced a custom retry middleware to overcome these issues. But in practice, it was still impractical — especially when modifying headers. The only way to do so was by creating a new PSR-7 request object, which added complexity. Starting with version 2.0, HTTP-Client simplifies this process. The retry callback now receives the method, URI, and request options directly. This makes modifying the request before retrying much easier.


  • Enforced cURL Usage: cURL is the industry-standard tool for HTTP requests. Consistently using cURL simplifies debugging by providing well-documented error messages and avoids unnecessary complexity caused by switching between different request methods in pursuit of negligible performance optimizations
  • Exponential Backoff Retry Mechanism: Retries failed requests with increasing delays based on HTTP code
  • Configurable Retry Behavior: Custom retry logic via a callback. This callback allows fine-grained control over retry logic by evaluating the request, response, and exception details
  • Retry-After Header Support: Automatically respects server-provided retry delays
  • Extended Exception Messages: Guzzle imposes an absurdly restrictive character limit on exception messages, which is actively harmful when debugging. To address this, this class automatically overrides the behavior by increasing the limit to 32767 characters
  • Support for Mock Responses: Allows for testing without making actual HTTP requests


composer require mensbeam/http-client

Class Synopsis

Note: This class does not have the async methods (Client::requestAsync and Client::sendAsync) from Guzzle. While Guzzle internally relies on promises, they introduce unnecessary complexity without providing any real multitasking capabilities. Since PHP only introduced cooperative multitasking with Fibers in PHP 8.1 — and Guzzle does not utilize them — its promise-based implementation offers no actual performance benefits. Instead, it adds misleading abstraction without true async behavior.

namespace MensBeam\HTTP;

class Client {
    public const REQUEST_STOP = 0;
    public const REQUEST_RETRY = 1;
    public const REQUEST_CONTINUE = 2;

    public function __construct(array $config = []);

    public function request(string $method, string|Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface $uri = '', array $options = []): Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
    public function send(Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface $request, array $options = []): Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;



public function Client::__construct(array $config = [])

Returns new Client object.


config - An array of configuration options



public function Client::request(string $method, string|Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface $uri = '', array $options = []): Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface

Creates and sends an HTTP request with built-in retry logic defaults.


method - HTTP method uri - URI object or string options - Request options to apply



public function Client::send(Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface $request, array $options = []): Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;

Sends a supplied HTTP request with built-in retry logic defaults.


request - PSR-7 Request object options - Request options to apply


Basic Example

use MensBeam\HTTP\Client;

$client = new Client();
$response = $client->request('GET', '');
echo (string)$response->getBody();

Custom Retry Logic

use MensBeam\HTTP\Client;

$callback = function (
    int $retryAttempt,
    string $method,
    string|UriInterface $uri,
    array $options,
    int $delay,
    ?ResponseInterface $response = null,
    ConnectException|RequestException|null $exception = null
): int {
    if ($response?->getStatusCode() === 400) {
        return Client::REQUEST_RETRY;
    return Client::REQUEST_CONTINUE;

$client = new Client('GET', '', [ 'retry_callback' => $callback ]);

Custom Retry Logic with Modified Request

use MensBeam\HTTP\Client;

$callback = function (
    int $retryAttempt,
    string $method,
    string|UriInterface &$uri,
    array $options,
    int $delay,
    ?ResponseInterface $response = null,
    ConnectException|RequestException|null $exception = null
): int {
    if ($response?->getStatusCode() === 400) {
        $uri = '';
        return Client::REQUEST_RETRY;
    return Client::REQUEST_CONTINUE;

$client = new Client([ 'retry_callback' => $callback ]);

Using a Logger

use MensBeam\{

$logger = new Logger('http_logger', new StreamHandler('php://stdout', range(0, 7)));
$client = new Client(['logger' => $logger]);
$response = $client->request('GET', '');

Mocking Responses for Testing

use MensBeam\HTTP\Client,

$client = new Client([
    'dry_run' => [
        new Response(418, [], 'Short and stout?'),
        new Response(200, [], 'Mock response data')
    'retry_callback' => function (
        int $retryAttempt,
        string $method,
        string|UriInterface $uri,
        array $options,
        int $delay,
        ?ResponseInterface $response = null,
        ConnectException|RequestException|null $exception = null
    ): int {
        $code = $response?->getStatusCode();

        if ($code === 418) {
            return Client::REQUEST_RETRY;
        return Client::REQUEST_CONTINUE;
$response = $client->request('GET', '');
echo (string)$response->getBody();

Adding a middleware to the stack

use MensBeam\HTTP\Client;
use GuzzleHttp\Middleware;

$tapMiddleware = Middleware::tap(function (RequestInterface $request) {
    echo 'Sending request to: ' . $request->getUri() . PHP_EOL;

$client = new Client([ 'middleware' => $tapMiddleware ]);
$response = $client->request('GET', '');
echo (string)$response->getBody();

Configuration Options

Option Type Default Description
dry_run bool|\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|array false Enables mock responses
logger Psr\Log\LoggerInterface|null null Logs debugging information
max_retries int 10 Maximum number of retries
middleware array|Closure null Middleware stack configuration
retry_callback ?callable null Custom retry logic callback; fires after every response

NOTE: Earlier versions of HTTP-Client had the on_retry option. It was replaced with retry_callback in version 1.5. This is because the original name didn't accurately reflect when it was called. It fires after every response regardless of outcome, and its return value determines if it is retried.

Configuration may be applied both in the constructor and in Client::request and Client::send. All configuration on the request overrides any configuration on the class but only for that request. HTTP-Client will also accept the remaining Guzzle Client configuration and request options.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


PSR-18-compatible wrapper around Guzzle's HTTP client







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