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A high-performance web crawler implemented in Go with Python and JavaScript bindings. It converts web pages to both HTML and Markdown formats.


  • Fast crawling with Go's concurrency model
  • Clean content extraction
  • Markdown conversion
  • Parallel URL processing
  • Cloudflare R2 integration
  • Kafka streaming support
  • Memory-efficient (uses ~10x less memory than browser automation tools)
  • Automatic binary version management

Performance Benchmarks

Memory Usage Comparison

Pathik is significantly more memory-efficient than browser automation tools like Playwright:

Memory Usage Comparison

Parallel Crawling Performance

Parallel crawling significantly improves performance when processing multiple URLs. Our benchmarks show:

Python Performance

Testing with 5 URLs:
- Parallel crawling completed in 7.78 seconds
- Sequential crawling completed in 18.52 seconds
- Performance improvement: 2.38x faster with parallel crawling

JavaScript Performance

Testing with 5 URLs:
- Parallel crawling completed in 6.96 seconds
- Sequential crawling completed in 21.07 seconds
- Performance improvement: 3.03x faster with parallel crawling

Parallel crawling is enabled by default when processing multiple URLs, but you can explicitly control it with the parallel parameter.


pip install pathik

The package will automatically download the correct binary for your platform from GitHub releases on first use.

Binary Version Management

Pathik now automatically handles binary version checking and updates:

  • When you install or upgrade the Python package, it will check if the binary matches the package version

  • If the versions don't match, it will automatically download the correct binary

  • You can manually check and update the binary with:

    # Force binary update
    import pathik
    from pathik.crawler import get_binary_path
    binary_path = get_binary_path(force_download=True)
  • Command line options:

    # Check if binary is up to date
    pathik --check-binary
    # Force update of the binary
    pathik --force-update-binary

This ensures you always have the correct binary version with all the latest features, especially when using new functionality like Kafka streaming with session IDs.


Python API

Basic Crawling

import pathik

# Crawl a single URL
result = pathik.crawl("")
print(f"HTML saved to: {result['']['html']}")
print(f"Markdown saved to: {result['']['markdown']}")

# Crawl multiple URLs in parallel
results = pathik.crawl([

# To disable parallel crawling
results = pathik.crawl(urls, parallel=False)

# To specify output directory
results = pathik.crawl(urls, output_dir="./output")

R2 Upload

import pathik
import uuid

# Generate a UUID or use your own
my_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())

# Crawl and upload to R2
results = pathik.crawl_to_r2("", uuid_str=my_uuid)
print(f"UUID: {results['']['uuid']}")
print(f"R2 HTML key: {results['']['r2_html_key']}")
print(f"R2 Markdown key: {results['']['r2_markdown_key']}")

# Upload multiple URLs
results = pathik.crawl_to_r2([
], uuid_str=my_uuid)

Kafka Streaming

import pathik
import uuid

# Generate a session ID for tracking
session_id = str(uuid.uuid4())

# Stream a single URL to Kafka
result = pathik.stream_to_kafka("", session=session_id)
print(f"Success: {result['']['success']}")

# Stream multiple URLs with custom options
results = pathik.stream_to_kafka(
    urls=["", ""],
    content_type="html",        # Options: "html", "markdown", or "both"
    topic="custom_topic",       # Optional custom topic
    session=session_id,         # Optional session ID
    parallel=True               # Process URLs in parallel (default)

# Check results
for url, status in results.items():
    if status["success"]:
        print(f"Successfully streamed {url}")
        print(f"Failed to stream {url}: {status.get('error')}")

Command Line

# Crawl a single URL
pathik crawl

# Crawl multiple URLs
pathik crawl

# Specify output directory
pathik crawl -o ./output

# Use sequential (non-parallel) mode
pathik crawl -s

# Upload to R2 (Cloudflare)
pathik r2

# Stream crawled content to Kafka
pathik kafka

# Stream only HTML content to Kafka
pathik kafka -c html

# Stream only Markdown content to Kafka
pathik kafka -c markdown

# Stream to a specific Kafka topic
pathik kafka -t user1_crawl_data

# Add a session ID for multi-user environments
pathik kafka --session user123

# Combine options
pathik kafka -c html -t user1_data --session user123

Kafka Streaming

Pathik supports streaming crawled content directly to Kafka. This is useful for real-time processing pipelines.

Kafka Configuration

Configure Kafka connection details in the .env file:

KAFKA_BROKERS=localhost:9092        # Comma-separated list of brokers
KAFKA_TOPIC=pathik_crawl_data       # Topic to publish to
KAFKA_USERNAME=                     # Optional username for SASL authentication
KAFKA_PASSWORD=                     # Optional password for SASL authentication
KAFKA_CLIENT_ID=pathik-crawler      # Client ID for Kafka
KAFKA_USE_TLS=false                 # Whether to use TLS

Kafka Message Format

When streaming to Kafka, Pathik sends two messages per URL:

  1. HTML Content:

    • Key: URL
    • Value: Raw HTML content
    • Headers:
      • url: The original URL
      • contentType: "text/html"
      • timestamp: ISO 8601 timestamp
      • session: Session ID (if provided)
  2. Markdown Content:

    • Key: URL
    • Value: Markdown content
    • Headers:
      • url: The original URL
      • contentType: "text/markdown"
      • timestamp: ISO 8601 timestamp
      • session: Session ID (if provided)

Kafka Consumer Examples

Pathik includes example consumers for Go, Python, and JavaScript in the examples directory.

Python Consumer Example

from kafka import KafkaConsumer
import json

# Connect to Kafka
consumer = KafkaConsumer(
    'pathik_crawl_data',                  # Topic
    auto_offset_reset='earliest',         # Start from beginning

# Optional: filter by session ID
session_filter = "user123"  # Set to None to receive all messages

# Process messages
for message in consumer:
    # Extract headers
    headers = {k: v.decode('utf-8') for k, v in message.headers}
    # Filter by session if needed
    if session_filter and headers.get('session') != session_filter:
    # Get message details
    url = message.key.decode('utf-8')
    content_type = headers.get('contentType')
    print(f"Received from {url}: {content_type} content ({len(message.value)} bytes)")
    # Process content based on type
    if content_type == 'text/html':
        # Process HTML...
    elif content_type == 'text/markdown':
        # Process Markdown...

Using in Docker

When using Pathik in a Docker container, you need to install the required dependencies for Chromium:

FROM python:3.10-slim

# Install Chromium dependencies
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
    libglib2.0-0 \
    libgtk-3-0 \
    libx11-6 \
    libxcomposite1 \
    libxcursor1 \
    libxdamage1 \
    libxi6 \
    libxtst6 \
    libnss3 \
    libcups2 \
    libatk1.0-0 \
    libatk-bridge2.0-0 \
    libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 \
    libpango-1.0-0 \
    libcairo2 \
    libdrm2 \
    libgbm1 \
    libasound2 \

# Install pathik
RUN pip install pathik



# Clone the repository
git clone
cd pathik

# Create a virtual environment
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate  # On Windows: venv\Scripts\activate

# Install in development mode
pip install -e .


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  • HTML 56.6%
  • Python 24.1%
  • JavaScript 13.2%
  • Go 5.4%
  • Shell 0.7%