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Mend SBOM Cli

Generation SBOM reports in the SPDX or CycloneDx formats

Supported Operating Systems

  • Linux (Bash): CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu
  • Windows (PowerShell): 10, 2012, 2016


  • Python 3.9+
  • Mend user with at least Product Admin permissions


$ pip install mend-sbom-export-cli

Note: Depending on whether the package was installed as a root user or not, you need to make sure the package installation location was added to the $PATH environment variable.

Configuration Parameters

Note: Parameters can be specified as either command-line arguments, environment variables, or a combination of both.

Command-line arguments take precedence over environment variables.

CLI argument Env. Variable Type Required Description
‑‑help switch No Show help and exit
‑‑api-key WS_APIKEY string No* Mend API Key
‑‑service WS_SERVICEUSER string No* Mend Service User email
‑‑user-key WS_USERKEY string Yes Mend User Key (your own personal user key if Mend API Key provided or user key of service user)
‑‑url WS_WSS_URL string Yes Mend Server URL
‑‑product WS_PRODUCTTOKEN string No Empty String
(Include all products). Comma-separated list of Mend Product Tokens that should be included
‑‑project WS_PROJECTTOKEN string No Empty String
(Include all projects). Comma-separated list of Mend Project Tokens that should be included
‑‑exclude WS_EXCLUDETOKEN string No Empty String
(No exclusions).Commsa-separated list of Mend Project Tokens that should be excluded
‑‑licensetext bool No Include full license text for all libraries (default: False)
‑‑dir string No Output directory for the report files (default: current folder)
‑‑type string No Report format [spdx cdx] (default: spdx)
‑‑threads int No Number of threads to run in parallel for report generation (default: 10)

* One of the parameters must be specified (Api-key or Mend Service User email).
The Service User or your user should have the rights to work with the requested org/product/projects.

Execution Examples

Using command-line arguments only:

sbom_export_cli --user-key WS_USERKEY --api-key WS_APIKEY --url $WS_WSS_URL --product `ProductToken1`,`ProductToken2` --project `ProjectToken` --dir $OUTPUT_DIRECTORY

Using environment variables:

export WS_USERKEY=xxxxxxxxxxx
export WS_APIKEY=xxxxxxxxxxx
export WS_WSS_URL=

sbom_export_cli --product `ProductToken`

Note: Either form is accepted. For the rest of the examples, the latter form would be used
Note: In the following examples, $WS_USERKEY, $WS_APIKEY and $WS_WSS_URL are assumed to have been exported as environment variables.

Create CycloneDx SBOM reports

$ sbom_export_cli --project "$WS_PROJECTTOKEN" --dir $HOME/reports --type cdx

Create SPDX reports

$ sbom_export_cli --product "$WS_PRODUCTTOKEN" --dir $HOME/reports --licensetext True