This repository is no longer actively maintained.
Secretary helps solve the problem of secrets distribution and authorization in highly dynamic container and VM environments. NaCL and AWS Key Management Service (KMS) are supported crypto backends and can be mixed freely.
executable embedded into service Docker images and with access to deploy-private-key and the optional service-private-key.secretary daemon
running on master nodes behind a load balancer and with access to master-private-key and the Marathon REST API.- config repo containing configuration, public keys and encrypted secrets.
In a standalone setup the secretary
client performs decryption using either
local NaCL keys or by calling the AWS Key Management Service.
In Mesos clusters it may not be desirable to have all slave nodes hold master keys or access KMS
directly. A container would instead call secretary daemon
which authenticates its signature and
performs the decryption in a central place. The secretary daemon
queries Marathon
to retrieve a containers public keys and determine what secrets it may access.
Encryption is done at configuration time through public keys or by calling KMS. This enables delegation of secrets management to non-admin users and help keep configuration, secrets and software versions together throughout the delivery pipeline.
Secretary uses NaCL boxes through the golang crypto/nacl package. Boxes are encrypted and signed using modern and strong public key cryptography.
Secretary uses 4 distinct key pairs for encrypting secrets and authenticating service instances.
master key is used to encrypt the secrets stored in the config repo and is generated for each environment. The master-public-key is stored in the config repo to allow easy configuration updates. The master-private-key is stored securely on the master nodes where
secretary daemon
runs. -
config key pair is used to sign encrypted secrets and control who can create encrypted secrets. A key pair is generated for each environment and stored in the config repo to enable easy configuration updates.
deploy key pair is used to control what service can access what secrets, and to authenticate services at runtime. It is generated automatically at deployment time for each service, and is part of the Marathon app config. When using Lighter it will generate this key pair automatically.
Access to the Marathon REST API should be restricted to avoid reading out the deploy private keys, and not to mention prevent anyone from starting containers with
--privileged --volume=/:/host-root
. -
The optional service key pair is used to authenticate Docker images or slave nodes. The private key is generated at Docker or VM image build time. It could be stored directly in the Docker image or in a VM image and mounted into the container.
Secretary can encrypt and decrypt secrets using AWS Key Management Service which provides hardware security modules (HSMs) for key storage and access control, as well as audit logs of key usage.
KMS coupled with IAM roles and CloudTrail provides access control and audit trails at the
instance level. AWS EC2 instances could then use secretary
to decrypt secrets embedded into
user-data or VM images.
Benefits of using public key cryptography compared to centrally managed token-based systems like Vault or KeyWhiz
Encryption of secrets and modifications to the config repo can safely be performed without needing admin access to a central secrets management system.
It's often desirable to tightly couple deployment of configuration and secrets with software deployments in a continuous delivery pipeline. Configuration as code implies managing configuration and secrets in the same way using the same pipeline as software releases goes through.
This helps avoid mismatches between what parameters and secrets a specific software version expects, and what's actually present in the central secret/config management system.
In token-based systems a problem occurs where the token that gives access to secrets needs to be securely managed. Any holder of a token can use it to request the plaintext secrets. A token should typically not be checked into source control or it will be available to anyone with access to the config repo.
Secretary mitigates this problem by storing encrypted secrets in the config repo and keeping them encrypted all the way into the runtime environment. Secrets are only ever decrypted inside the container at startup and stored in environment variables visible only to the service.
Secrets can only be accessed by a process that holds both the deploy and service private keys. The deploy key is generated for each single deployment and is available only to specific containers. While the service key is available on slave nodes or embedded into a single application image.
In the runtime env:
- Encrypted secret from runtime config
- Deploy private key from runtime config
- Service private key from Docker image or slave node
- Network access to
secretary daemon
Or with access to the config repo:
- Encrypted secret from config repo
- Master private key from master nodes
The master and config key pairs are created once and for each environment using
secretary genkeys
, which defaults to put keys into the ./keys/ directory. Provision
all the keys to each master nodes, including the highly sensitive master-private-key.
Store master-public-key and config private/public key in the config repo together with other environment config and encrypted secrets. This enables users with access to the config repo to encrypt secrets and store them in the config.
Generate a new deploy key for each deployment and insert it into the env
of the Marathon app config. Lighter will perform
this step automatically given this config example
someenv/globals.yml - stored in the Lighter config repo
url: 'https://secretary-daemon-loadbalancer:5070'
publickey: 'someenv/keys/master-public-key.pem'
someenv/myservice.yml - stored in the Lighter config repo
groupid: "com.example"
artifactid: "myservice"
classifier: "marathon"
resolve: [1.0.0,2.0.0)
DATABASE_URL: "jdbc:mysql://hostname:3306/schema"
The service key is optional but adds extra security. It is required by secretary daemon
to authenticate a service if its Marathon app env defines the $SERVICE_PUBLIC_KEY variable.
At build time generate a new service key using e.g. secretary genkeys service
and embed
the service-private-key into the Docker image. Ensure it's chmod 0600
root-only readable
and that a new key is created for each build/release.
The service-public-key needs to be available in the Marathon app env as $SERVICE_PUBLIC_KEY
so that secretary daemon
can find it when querying Marathon. A solution could be deploying
a template JSON app config to a Maven repository and use Lighter
to pull it down at deployment time. For example
myservice-1.0.0-marathon.json - deployed to Maven
"id": "/myproduct/mysubsystem/myservice"
"env" {
"SERVICE_PUBLIC_KEY": "rEmz7Rt6tUnlC4TKYeNzePYg+p1ePAw4BAtfJAY4zzs="
Generate a service key using e.g. secretary genkeys service
and embed the service-private-key
into the VM image. Ensure that the service-public-key is available in the Marathon app env
as $SERVICE_PUBLIC_KEY. A Lighter config could look like
someenv/globals.yml - stored in the Lighter config repo
secretary.service.publickey: "WvDT+V2fB5ZKkbAmHaFh2XqDXC/veVsl1FKSE/HzxC0="
SERVICE_PUBLIC_KEY: "%{secretary.service.publickey}"
SERVICE_PRIVATE_KEY: /service/keys/service-private-key.pem
- containerPath: "/service/keys"
hostPath: "/etc/secretary/service-keys"
mode: "RO"
An runtime config automatically expanded by Lighter might look like
"id": "/myproduct/mysubsystem/myservice"
"env" {
"SECRETARY_URL": "https://secretary-daemon-loadbalancer:5070",
"DEPLOY_PUBLIC_KEY": "0k+v11LV3SOr+XiFJ/ug0KcPPhwkXnVirmO65nAd1LI=",
"DEPLOY_PRIVATE_KEY": "rEmz7Rt6tUnlC4TKYeNzePYg+p1ePAw4BAtfJAY4zzs=",
"SERVICE_PRIVATE_KEY": "/service/keys/service-private-key.pem"
"DATABASE_USERNAME": "myservice",
"DATABASE_PASSWORD": "ENC[NACL,SLXf+O9iG48uyojT0Zg30Q8/uRV8DizuDWMWtgL5PmTU54jxp5cTGrYeLpd86rA=]",
"DATABASE_URL": "jdbc:mysql://hostname:3306/schema"
Docker images should embed the secretary
executable. Use it as an entrypoint
with `secretary exec --". It will then decrypt all command line arguments and
environment variables.
# Install secretary
RUN curl -fsSLo /usr/bin/secretary "${SECRETARY_VERSION}/secretary-`uname -s`-`uname -m`" && \
chmod +x /usr/bin/secretary
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/secretary", "exec", "--"]
CMD ["/bin/echo", "ENC[NACL,XXXXXX==]"] # This can be replaced in Dockerfiles that inherit from this one
The complete decryption sequence could be described as
- client asks the secretary daemon for the
secret to be decrypted. This exchange is encrypted/authenticated using master-public-key, deploy-private-key and service-private-key. - daemon retrieves
from Marathon and uses it to authenticate the service. - daemon validates that the service has access to the given secret by checking the
segment of its Marathon app config. - daemon decrypts the secret using master-private-key and authenticates with config-public-key.
- daemon re-encrypts the plaintext secret with service-public-key and deploy-public-key, signed with master-private-key before sending it back to the client.
- client decrypts the secret using deploy-private-key and service-private-key, authenticating with master-public-key.
- client outputs a sh script
export DATABASE_PASSWORD='secret'
fragment that is sourced into the service environment.
Place a secretary
script in the root of your configuration repo. Replace the SECRETARY_VERSION with
a version from the releases page.
set -e
BASEDIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
SECRETARY="$BASEDIR/target/secretary-`uname -s`-`uname -m`-${SECRETARY_VERSION}"
if [ ! -x "$SECRETARY" ]; then
mkdir -p $(dirname "$SECRETARY")
curl -sSfLo "$SECRETARY"${SECRETARY_VERSION}/secretary-`uname -s`-`uname -m`
chmod +x "$SECRETARY"
exec "$SECRETARY" $@
# Avoid secrets ending up in bash history
set +o history
# Generate master and config key pairs
./secretary genkeys
# Generate example deploy and service key pairs
./secretary genkeys mydeploy myservice
# Generate an example service key
./secretary genkeys myservice
# Encrypt for writing into deployment config files
echo -n secret | ./secretary encrypt
# Encrypt using Amazon AWS KMS
# Note: You need AWS credentials setup in ~/.aws/credentials or envvars $AWS_ACCESS_KEY, $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, $AWS_REGION
echo -n secret | ./secretary encrypt --kms-key-id=12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012
# Decrypt (requires access to master-private-key)
echo -n <encrypted> | ./secretary decrypt
# Decrypt and substitute encrypted environment variables
eval $(./secretary decrypt -e)
# Decrypt all encrypted substrings in file
cat /path/to/secrets | ./secretary decrypt
Deploy several instances of the secretary daemon
to trusted master nodes and create a
load balancer in front of them to ensure high availability. The daemon defaults to
bind to 5070/tcp. The secretary daemon
is stateless and can be load balanced freely.
The daemon has an HTTP health check endpoint at /v1/status
that will respond with
if all is well. This could be used to point a load balancers health check
mechanism at.
In order to enable end to end encryption, you can supply the ssl certificate
through environment variable: TLS_KEY_FILE
or with the following options:
secretary daemon --tls-key-file <path to key file> --tls-cert-file <path to cert file>
Create a Systemd unit file in /etc/systemd/system/secretary.service with contents like below.
Description=Secretary secrets distribution
Environment=IMAGE=meltwater/secretary:latest NAME=secretary
# Allow docker pull to take some time
# Restart on failures
ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker kill ${NAME}
ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker rm ${NAME}
ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker pull ${IMAGE}
ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker run --name=${NAME} \
-p 5070:5070 \
-v /etc/secretary/master-keys:/keys \
-e MARATHON_URL=http://marathon-host:8080 \
ExecStop=/usr/bin/docker stop $NAME
Using the garethr-docker module
- docker::run_instance
image: 'meltwater/secretary:latest'
- '5070:5070'
- '/etc/secretary/master-keys:/keys'
- 'MARATHON_URL=http://marathon-host:8080'
When interacting with KMS to encrypt or decrypt secrets you or the instance needs access to the AWS API and the specific KMS key. Key access is managed via the AWS IAM console and can be both on the KMS API level as well as fine grained permissions for each key.
For workstation access to encrypt secrets you typically need AWS credentials setup in ~/.aws/credentials or environment variables $AWS_ACCESS_KEY, $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and $AWS_REGION so that secretary can interact with the KMS API.
AWS EC2 instances should use IAM roles rather than access keys, to grant them access to the KMS API and the specific KMS keys.
When using CoreOS cloud-config and passing secrets in the user-data section.
In the examples replace the SECRETARY_VERSION with a version from the releases page.
You also need to replace the e59c5534e4e6fb3c2ad0d3c075d9e2fa664889b9
sha1sum with one that is calculated
from the exact version you intend to use. This can be done like
curl -sSL${SECRETARY_VERSION}/secretary-Linux-x86_64 | sha1sum -
This CoreOS user-data example writes out /etc/environment.encrypted with encrypted secrets and forwards them
into a Docker container as encrypted environment variables. The Docker image embeds the secretary binary and
its startup script decrypts the environment using eval $(secretary decrypt -e)
- name: myservice.service
command: start
content: |
After=docker.service decrypt.service
Requires=docker.service decrypt.service
Environment=IMAGE=myservice:latest NAME=myservice
# Allow docker pull to take some time
# Restart on failures
# Start Docker container
ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker kill ${NAME}
ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker rm ${NAME}
ExecStartPre=-/bin/sh -c 'if ! docker images | tr -s " " : | grep "^${IMAGE}:"; then docker pull "${IMAGE}"; fi'
ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker run --name ${NAME} \
-e "API_KEY=${API_KEY}" \
- path: "/etc/environment.encrypted"
permissions: "0600"
owner: "root"
content: |
This CoreOS user-data example writes out /etc/environment.encrypted with encrypted secrets. Then uses secretary and KMS to decrypt them and forwards the secrets into a Docker container as unencrypted environment variables.
- name: myservice.service
command: start
content: |
After=docker.service decrypt.service
Requires=docker.service decrypt.service
Environment=IMAGE=myservice:latest NAME=myservice SECRETARY_VERSION=x.y.z
# Allow docker pull to take some time
# Restart on failures
# Download and verify signature of secretary binary
ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c '\
if [ ! -f /tmp/secretary ]; then \
curl -sSLo /tmp/secretary${SECRETARY_VERSION}/secretary-Linux-x86_64 && \
chmod +x /tmp/secretary; \
ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c 'echo e59c5534e4e6fb3c2ad0d3c075d9e2fa664889b9 /tmp/secretary | sha1sum -c -'
# Start Docker container
ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker kill ${NAME}
ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker rm ${NAME}
ExecStartPre=-/bin/sh -c 'if ! docker images | tr -s " " : | grep "^${IMAGE}:"; then docker pull "${IMAGE}"; fi'
ExecStart=/bin/sh -c 'eval $(/tmp/secretary decrypt -e) && docker run --name myservice \
-e "API_KEY=${API_KEY}" \
- path: "/etc/environment.encrypted"
permissions: "0600"
owner: "root"
content: |