This is the code for our paper 'Real-Time Community Detection in Large Social Networks on a Laptop' Community detection for large networks on a single laptop. We use minhash signatures to encode the Jaccard similarity between neighbourhood graphs of vertices in social networks. A Locality Sensitive Hash table is built on top of the minhashes to perform extremely fast nearest neighbour search. The results of the nearest neighbour search are ranked and structured using the WALKTRAP community detection algorithm.
The code uses the numpy, pandas and scikit-learn python packages. We recommend installing these through Anaconda. Generating minhashes requires the mmh3 package.
pip install mmh3
We provide binaries of the cython code. If you wish to alter the cython code you will need to install cython
pip install cython
Download the minhash data available from DANS EASY:
Assuming you are in the directory of the source code and have cloned this repository.
To build the LSH table
python minhash_data_path LSH_output_path
To generate metrics for the ground truth communities
python minhash_data_path outpath
To run experimentation
python minhash_data_path LSH_outputpath outpath
Replicating the end-to-end process with the public email data set from SNAP
This will generate minhashes from the raw data and use them to build an LSH table. From the LSH table all of the results shown in the paper are generated.
The LSH table and the minhashes are written to the resources folder. The plots are written to the results folder.
Ben Chamberlain
If you make use of this code please cite:
Chamberlain BP, Levy-Kramer J, Humby C, Deisenroth MP. Real-Time Community Detection in Large Social Networks on a Laptop. arXiv preprint arXiv:1601.03958. 2016 Jan 15.