Set of helpers designed for a Microservice architecture.
Available helpers:
- Service Loader
- AMQ publisher/consumer
- Redis cache
- MongoDb client
- Express common middlewares
- Logger
- Database helpers
- Database tasks
Start different services (sequentially) with graceful exit handler.
Supported features:
- Check if TCP hosts are reachable
- Start Redis cache manager
- Start MongoDB client
- Start AMQ publisher/consumer
- Start HTTP server (express or http)
- Gracefully exit all services on exceptions
const serviceLoader = require('petitservice/lib/serviceLoader');
const logger = require('petitservice/lib/logger');
const config = require('./config');
return serviceLoader()
.cache({ host: 'localhost', port: 6379, auth_pass: 'xxx' })
amqUrl: 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672',
consumerQueue: 'my-consumer-queue',
assertQueues: ['my-publisher-queue'],
consumer: (data, ack) => {;
ack(); // acknowledge the message
.then(() => {'Do something during starting...');
.express(() => require('./express_app.js'), config.httpPort)
.onExit(() => {'Do something during exit...');
.done(() => {'Everything is started!');
- ping(urlList, [options]): Check if hostnames are alive
(array of url to ping) format:protocol://[user:pass@]hostname:port
(optional integer, how many attempts should we try before we exit the process, default: 5)options.frequency
(optional integer, how many milliseconds should wait before checking again hostnames, default: 30000)
- cache(redisOpts): Start cache for
(required object, { host, port, auth_pass })
- mongo(mongoUrl): Start mongoDb for
(required string, mongo url)
- amq(options): Connect to RabbitMQ using amqp.node, and close it when the program exit.
is required.options.amqUrl
(required string, amq url)options.assertQueues
(optional array, list of queue to create if they haven't been created before. if consumerQueue is set, it will be asserted as well automatically.options.consumerCb(data, ack)
(required function): handles a message to consume. It gets as parameter respectively the receiveddata
(already JSON parsed) andack
function to run when we want to acknowledge the message.options.consumerQueue
(required string): consumer queue nameoptions.consumerPrefetch
(optional integer): how many message we consume simultaneously - default: 1options.onError(err, msg)
(optional function): error handler when there's an exception on the consumer. Gets as parametererr
as error object andmsg
as raw message. Defaults a warning message.
- express(expressApp, port): Start express HTTP server, and close it when exit
(required function that returns express app, - We advice you to use the require inside this function.port
(integer, HTTP port. default:80
- then(cb): Run a function during starting
(function that performs action, can return a promise as well)
- done([callback]): Add this at the end of the chain to start the service. it can take a callback function as parameter that executes when everything is loaded.
- onExit(cb): Action to perform when closing Gracefully
(function that performs action, can return a promise as well)
Connect to RabbitMQ using amqp.node, Asserts queues, and consume messages from a queue.
const serviceLoader = require('petitservice/lib/serviceLoader');
const amq = require('petitservice/lib/amq');
amqUrl: 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672',
consumerQueue: 'my-consumer-queue',
assertQueues: ['my-publisher-queue'],
consumer: (data, ack) => {;
ack(); // acknowledge the message
.done(() => {
amq.publish({ myKey: 'myValue' }, 'my-publisher-queue');
const amq = require('petitservice/lib/amq');
// Using serviceLoader
amqUrl: 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672',
consumerQueue: 'my-consumer-queue',
assertQueues: ['my-publisher-queue'],
consumer: (data, ack) => {;
ack(); // acknowledge the message
.then(() => {
// publish a message
amq.publish({ myKey: 'myValue' }, 'my-publisher-queue');
- start(options): Connect to RabbitMQ and assert publisher/consumer. Documentation on the options is available on serviceLoader
- publish(payload, queueName, [options]): Publish a payload to a queue.
- payload: (object) data to publish
- queueName: (string) where we'd like to publish the data
- options: (optional object) Publication options (for sendToQueue), default
{ persistent: false, expiration: 60000 }
- close(): Close amq connection
- getChannel(): returns active channel
- getConnection(): returns active connection
Cache manager using Redis
const cache = require('petitservice/lib/cache');
const logger = require('petitservice/lib/logger');
const userId = 12;
const getUser = (userId) => models.getUser(userId);
// Get / Set / Delete
const cacheKey = 'bob';
.then((cachedValue) => {
if (!cachedValue) {`Setting value for ${cacheKey}`);
return cache.getValue(cacheKey, 'alice', 60);
}`I remember ${cachedValue}`);
.then((cachedValue) => {`Bye ${cacheKey}`);
return cache.delValue(cacheKey);
// Wrap a function
cache.wrap(userId, () => models.getUser(userId), 10)
.then((cacheUser) => {`Bonjour ${cacheUser.firstName}`);
// Delayed Execution
const id = 'abc';
const prm = () => {
return models.insertKeystroke(id, Math.random());
cache.delayedExec(id, prm, 10); // <= prm will be discarded after 10 sec
cache.delayedExec(id, prm, 10); // <= prm will be resolved after 10 sec
- start(redisUrl): Instantiate the cache so that we can call get/set data.
- getValue(key): Get value by its key
- setValue(key, value, ttl): Set a value using a key (ttl - Time to live - is in seconds)
- delValue(key): Delete a value by its key
- wrap(key, fallbackPromise, ttl, isJSON): Wrap a promise in cache.
- key: (string) identifier
- fallbackPromise: (function that returns a promise) How we get the data to read/write
- ttl: (integer) Time to live in seconds
- isJSON: (boolean - default:false) encode objects to a JSON before saving into the cache
- delayedExec(identifier, prm, delayTime): Delay an promise execution of a promise across different microservices. The promise is resolved only if not another delayedExecution has been trigged during the same timeframe (delayTime).
- identifier: (string) how we identify this execution
- prm: (function that returns a promise) the promise that we want to execute
- delayTime: (integer - in seconds) timeframe when there wasn't any delayed execution with the same identifier
MongoDB helpers
const mongo = require('petitservice/lib/mongo');
const logger = require('petitservice/lib/logger');
return mongo.start(config.mongoUrl)
.then(() => {
const db = mongo.db(config.mongoDbname);
const collection = db.collection('documents');
// Insert some documents
return collection.insertMany([
{a : 1}, {a : 2}, {a : 3}
.then(() => collection.find({}).toArray())
.then((docs) =>;
.then(() => mongo.close());
- start(mongoUrl): Instantiate the mongoDb client
- db(key): Get database instance
- close(): Close mongodb client
Set common middlewares for an express app
const express = require('express');
const expressMiddleWare = require('petitservice/lib/expressMiddleWare');
const app = express();
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
- addStandard(app): Add the following middlewares:
- Disable 'x-powered-by' header
- Define 'trsut proxy' to accept forwared ip
- Body parser (json and form data)
- Set a health check endpoints '/~health' that returns 'ok'
- Remove trailing slashes on urls
- addCompression(app): Adds GZIP compression middleware
- addLogs(app, addLogs): logs http request using the logger module (See section about logger)
- addErrorHandlers(app, isHTML):
- Endpoint to handle not found pages (if isHTML is set to true it will render the view
) - Endpoint to handle internal errors (if isHTML is set to true it will render the view
- Endpoint to handle not found pages (if isHTML is set to true it will render the view
Log data on the console (using pino), and report errors to error if enabled
The default LogLevels depends on the NOD_ENV:
// You may also set the log level using the environment variable: LOG_LEVEL: 'debug'
const logger = require('petitservice/lib/logger');
logger.debug('bonjour');'un café et un croissant chaud');
logger.error(new Error('Something broke'));
// You can use middlewares for express
// Request logs
- requestLogger: Express middleware to log requests
- errorLogger: Express middleware to log errors
- error
- outputError (like error)
- warn
- info
- log
- verbose
- debug
- silly
You are welcomed to fork the project and make pull requests. Or just file an issue or suggestion 😊