This document will help you to understand with some basic principles and practices that we do in Sleekr. This document is still work in progress.
This step by step guide will help you to walkthrough on how we conduct engineering practices in Sleekr.
To work effectively with your peers, you need to first let us know you better. Please answers simple questions in
honestly. We will respect your values and we believe you will respect others too.
Don't forget to review your peers working_with_me_manual
first, it's a good start to know how you can work with each other best.
Some references that might help :
Before you start to code, please review on how we defined "done", you MUST read
guide to understand it. It's very important for everyone to understand what is done in Sleekr.
We follow some practices that could help us to be a better developer. Please review
for more details.
Congratulations! Now it's time for your team to know your work of art. We requires every changes to be peer reviewed. Therefore you need to raise a pull request
To make PR process a lot more faster and efficient, you need to follow
. Please answer all the (relevant) questions in that template. By answering those template, you can help your reviewer to understand what your're working on better and faster.
It is essential to keep PR age to be less than a day. Avoid conflicts and maximise output (value) to our customers. Stop starting start finishing.
For project like Polaris, all you need to do is to wait a couple minutes. Soon it will be safely landed in Production. Some projects already have continous delivery in it's pipeline. Another project might need to wait for the next release train.