emoji theme for oh-my-zsh. simplified robbyrussell and replaced git prompt symbol with emoji for better clarity
- macOS
- oh my zsh
✏️ emojis might corrupts on Linux terminals. If so please replace ✏️ emoji with robbyrussell's default dingbat "✗" .
Copy emoji.zsh-theme into your ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/
Then change current theme to emoji ZSH_THEME=emoji
in your ~/.zshrc
Activate a new theme with $ source ~/.zshrc
🎨 Optionally, if you want the same color scheme as the one used in the screenshot, install Atom One Dark Theme for Terminal made by the Atom team. Also, it's available in One Light.
➜ current_dir (git_branch) <emoji indicator>
- ✏️ Git prompt is dirty (uncommitted files)
- ✅ Git prompt is clean (committed)
- ✏️ emoji is breaking cursor potion to the right hover on the first character on Crostini terminal
Please reach me out at [email protected]