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staticgen for devcenter.

This is our devcenter where we share technical tips and articles from TeamMegam/Community.

Anyone can send a pullrequest.


There are 3 steps

  • Step 1: Fork this repo
  • Step 2: Local test
  • Step 3: Push the changes

Image of DevCenter

Every post appears as

Image of DevCenter

Step 1: Lets fork.

1. Fork & Clone this repo.

$ git clone<id>/

Step 2: Local test

Install jekyll

bundle install

Add your new technical doc as markup to your master.

Create a file named with the following header

title: "Cassandra Replication - HA"
layout: post
author: "rajesh"
og_image_url: ""
description: "Cassandra Replication - HA"

Make sure you have the author from _data/authors.yaml.

Verify if your post looks good.

bundle exec jekyll serve


Step 3: Deploying your documentation

Push your master.

git push master

Send us a pull request.

When the pull request gets merged, devcenter will be refreshed automagically.


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