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Releases: medikoo/modules-webmake

1.1.1 (2020-03-31)

31 Mar 04:39
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Bug Fixes

Comparison since last release


21 Aug 14:19
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  • Critical: Fix partial path resolution issue
  • Update context configuration for loadCSS test
  • Update dependencies to latest versions
  • Improve documentation


03 Jul 21:42
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  • CSS as a native type
  • HTML as a native type
  • Support extensions passed programmatically
  • Significantly improved extensions handling and files resolution order
  • Better documentation
  • Fix double file read issue (minor, affected only input modules)
  • Update sourceURL syntax (replace '@' with '#')
  • Improve error message


03 Jul 21:44
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  • Allow asynchronous compilation of extensions
  • prettyOutput option through which we can prevent automatic indentation of the output. When bound to process which is a memory hog, indentation task can noticeably slow down generation of a bundle.
  • Provide information about Webassemble tool in documentation


03 Jul 21:46
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  • Provide ignoreErrors option, so eventual dynamic resolution of paths in require calls doesn't block bundle generation.
  • Simplify internal logic with help of memoizee package


03 Jul 21:47
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Nearly a major update

  • JSON files support
  • Support for custom formats via extensions (in parallel to this update
    extensions for YAML and CoffeeScript are published).
  • Improved relative module resolution so it's on pair with Node.js design
    (there were corner case where resolution result differed).
  • Introduce optional caching mechanism for repeated bundle generation.
    If request file has not been modified since last read its content and
    calculated dependencies list are taken from a cache. When used, speeds up
    Webmake around x2, and even more if used with extensions.
  • Improve error messages on unsupported require calls


03 Jul 21:48
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Minor improvements:

  • Meaningful error when run with unsupported Node engine
  • Better error interface for Module not Found error on client-side
  • Expose compilation time on returned promise object
  • Improve native module require error message (so it points path to source file)


03 Jul 21:48
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  • Improve path resolution (omit findRoot call in straightforward cases)
  • Fix support for partially broken circular dependencies
  • Improve client-side resolution mechanism


03 Jul 21:50
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  • Expose parts of internal API for better customizability
  • Demand Node v0.8 (as we depend on fs2)


03 Jul 21:50
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  • Add name and amd options. Bundle can now be directly exposed in global (or AMD) namespace
  • Update dependencies to its latest versions
  • Improve documentation