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Breaking change
Breaking change
Has the potential to break a deployment when upgrading.
This ticket needs to be charged against a specific timecode. Code in comments.
Update the project's dependencies/libraries.
Help wanted
Help wanted
Good for first-time contributions.
Priority: 0 - Critical
Priority: 0 - Critical
Work on this right away.
Priority: 1 - High
Priority: 1 - High
Blocks the next release.
Priority: 2 - Medium
Priority: 2 - Medium
Normal priority.
Priority: 3 - Low
Priority: 3 - Low
Can be dropped from the release.
Further information is requested.
Quick win
Quick win
Expected to be an easy fix.
Status: Blocked
Status: Blocked
Unable to progress this.
Type: Bug
Type: Bug
Fix something that isn't working as intended.
Type: Documentation
Type: Documentation
Improvements or additions to the documentation.
Type: Feature
Type: Feature
Add something new.
Type: Improvement
Type: Improvement
Make something better.
Type: Incident
Type: Incident
An issue with impact in production.
Type: Internal process
Type: Internal process
An organizational process, eg: doing a release.
Type: Investigation
Type: Investigation
Analyzing or researching for product planning or evaluating a technical approach.
Type: Performance
Type: Performance
Make something faster.
Type: Security
Type: Security
Affects security.
Type: Technical Improvement
Type: Technical Improvement
Improve something that users won't notice.
Site design and usability improvements.
Won’t fix: Ancient
Won’t fix: Ancient
Issue has become stale or irrelevant.
Won’t fix: Can’t reproduce
Won’t fix: Can’t reproduce
Cannot verify this issue.
Won’t fix: Duplicate
Won’t fix: Duplicate
Another issue covers this. Details in comments.
Won’t fix: Not an issue
Won’t fix: Not an issue
Invalid issue or working by design.