Based on linuxserver/rutorrent
The following environmental variables must be populated, when running container
The following ports must be mapped, when running container
- 80 #webui listen
- 5000 #rtorrent XMLRPC port.
- 51413 #bittorrent
- 6881 #bittorrent
The following volumes must be mapped, when running container
- /config
- /blackhole
- /processing
- /downloads
The following subfolders should exist in the above mapped volumes:
- tvshows
- movies
- music
- any other folders that you
- catchall watch folder (/blackhole/*.torrent) should work correctly and download to "unsorted"
- dynamic watch directories
- remove the torrent from the watch directory once its loaded using AutoTools plugin
- auto-start watch directory torrents
- download all torrents to /processing directory
- [?] redirect rtorrent daemon logs to STDOUT
- move completed downloads into dynamic
subdirectories using AutoTools - DEPOT default user/password authentication for webui
- [-] scheduling/QoS
- Auto cleanup? Completed torrents that are stopped and older than 2 months?
- stop seeding when download is complete
- Performance tuning
- logrotate
- better logging.
- ensure that deleting a partially downloaded/inprogress torrent will actually delete the associated data
- when deleting a torrent we should always delete the .torrent file too
- when deleting a torrent, sometimes the download directory is not deleted.
- pushover support
- custom themes