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Releases: mdsunivie/deeperwin

Transferable atomic orbitals

25 Mar 13:47
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This release contains all code required to reproduce results of our papers „Towards a transferable fermionic neural wavefunction for molecules“ and “Variational Monte Carlo on a Budget — Fine-tuning pre-trained Neural Wavefunctions“. (Nature Communications)

Among other features it supports:

  • Transferable atomic orbitals (TAO) to optimize a single neural network across molecules and geometrical conformations.
  • Normal mode distortion for geometrical conformations to sample continously new geometrical conformations during shared optimization.
  • A variation of PhisNet to generate orbital features for the TAO ansatz including a training framework.
  • A dataset of molecules up to a size of four heavy atoms (Oxygen, Carbon, Nitrogen) for the pre-training of a TAO wavefunction.

While still contained in the codebase, some older features not relevant for the paper (such as weight-sharing or PauliNet-like architectures) have not been tested and might be broken in this release.


18 Jul 10:09
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This release contains all code to reproduce our arxiv-paper
Gold-standard solutions to the Schrödinger equation using deep learning: How much physics do we need?

Among other things it supports:

  • PauliNet-like-architectures, FermiNet-like-architectures, as well as our own improved architecture detailed in the paper
  • Optimization using KFAC
  • Local coordinate systems
  • Physics-inspired initializiation of envelopes

While still contained in the codebase, some older features not relevant for the paper (such as weight-sharing) have not been tested and might be broken in this release.


18 Jul 10:18
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This release contains all code required to reproduce results of our paper
Solving the electronic Schrödinger equation for multiple nuclear geometries with weight-sharing deep neural networks (Nature Computational Science) (arxiv)

Among other features it supports:

  • Weight-sharing optimization across multiple molecules
  • Re-use of weights for different geometries/molecules
  • PauliNet-like architectures and our improved version DeepErwin

For an improved architecture, with better accuracy please refer to our more recent releases, such as