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Clojure MAuth Client

Build Status

Leiningen/Boot Coords:

[clojure-mauth-client "2.0.7"]

Here it is folks, a nice, clean MAuth client done in the simplest and most minimal way possible, for your Clojure application.

There are a minimal set of dependencies (Bouncy Castle isn't one of them!), it is fast, and can even be used as middleware for securing your applications.

You do NOT need to jump through hoops to use this library. Simple is as simple does.


Either use the built jar, or lein jar to build one based on source.


First, you need to give the library your App UUID, MAuth Private Key and MAuth Service URL.

You can do this by defining the environment variables APP_UUID, MAUTH_KEY and MAUTH_SERVICE_URL respectively.

Or, you may do this programmatically by calling credentials/define-credentials with the respective parameters.

You can make an MAuth call by requiring the request namespace and either doing get!, post!, delete! or put! with the necessary parameters. These are the most common verbs in use out there, but its easy to extend support to other verbs as needed (PRs welcome!). If the verb you want isn't in the namespace, you can also make a call to request/make-request and specify your action directly. It is possible to do a macro for this stuff, but I am not a big fan of that approach for this case, because you lose IDE support, and it will appear as undefined there, which is annoying.

Full example (standard usage):

(ns your-app.core
  (:require [clojure-mauth-client.request :as mauth]
            [ :as json]))

;either your app has to have the APP_UUID, MAUTH_KEY, and MAUTH_SERVICE_URL predefined in env...
;or... you can call define-credentials...

;do the call!
(-> (mauth/get! "" "/api/v2/testing.json")

Middleware Usage:

(ns your-app.handler
  (:require [clojure-mauth-client.middleware :refer [wrap-mauth-verification]]))
  (-> #'app-routes
            (wrap-routes middleware/wrap-formats)

Yep, it really is that simple!

Recently, it has come to my attention that cloudflare or cloudfront URLs (ie. api-gateway) were not supported due to SNI configuration in the load balancer. Welp, not anymore! To do your calls with SNI, pass :with-sni? true to your calls.

For example, (mauth/get! "" "/api/v2/testing.json" :with-sni? true)

Version 2.0.2 update - We have added support for mauth version 2 headers as well now. To get the v2 headers you need to add additional header in your request as "mauth-version" with value as "v2" and algorithm also uses query param if any to sign or to generate these headers, so you will need to add additional header in your request as "query-param-string" and value should be string of sorted and encoded query params e.g abc=abctest&test=testing%20value you will get the response version 2 headers as below- "mcc-authentication" authentication value "mcc-time" mcc-time

Version 2.0.3 update - Changed mauth unauthorized error status code from 403 to 401 code which corresponds to the right HTTP status code for Unauthorized. And also changed signature algorithm to SHA512withRSA, previously it was SHA256withRSA.

Version 2.0.4 update - With this version we have added support to validate mauth requests with v2 version and validating mcc-time and mcc-authentication headers.

Version 2.0.5 update - With this version we have removed dependency of extra header "mauth-version" that we needed to validate mauth requests with v2 version. No need to send this extra header to validate v2 version requests.

Version 2.0.6 update - With this version we have removed throwing exceptions when not valid mauth headers keys are added or no valid token passed in signature.

Version 2.0.7 update- Updated few of the library versions to remove vulnerability

Contributing/ Tests

Tests can be run using lein test.

Contributions are welcome by Pull Request, and we welcome and encourage that!


Copyright © 2018 Medidata Solutions

This Library is licensed under the MIT licensing terms. See for details