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 Closeness Centrality Project v0.1
 Author:  Rafael Misoczki
 Contact: [email protected]


 This project addresses the problem known as closeness centrality, 
  often seen in applications of graph-theory onto social networks.
 The main goal of this particular project is to rank the nodes 
  of a given graph by their closeness.
 The closeness of a node v is the inverse of the sum of the 
  shortest path distances from all other nodes to v.
  (When the node is not connected to the graph, I assume an 
  infinity distance and thus a 0-closeness factor). 

 The chosen approach to tackle this problem is founded upon
  classical computer science algorithms and data-structures.
 For computing the shortest-path between two nodes of a graph, 
  I implemented the breadth-first search (BFS) technique.
  This technique traverses a given graph starting from an initial 
  node and visiting all the neighboring nodes.
  Then for each of those nearest nodes, it visits their 
  unexplored neighbor nodes and so on.
  Its complexity is O(|V| + |E|), where |V| is the number of 
  nodes and |E| is the number of edges in the graph.
  BFS requires the queue data structure, which has
  been implemented as well.
 The breadth-first search algorithm is called for each node. 
  Therefore the complexity so far is estimated as O(|V|^2 + |V||E|).
 The sum of the shortest path distances is computed by a naïve 
   quadratic algorithm with respect to the number of nodes.

 To conclude, the ranking step is computed through the 
  quick-sort algorithm, which has been implemented as well.
  It has complexity O(|V|^2), but for the vast majority of 
  inputs it performs in O(|V| \log |V|) complexity.
 Therefore the overall complexity is upper bounded by the 
  graph-step, i.e.: O(|V|^2 + |V||E|).

 I am pretty sure that there's room for many improvements
  in this strategy (for example, what's presented in 
  the papers I mentioned in previous emails, or even more 
  simple stuff). But in order to have a deliverable by today, 
  I needed to move on from 1st to 2nd part of the challenge.

 The chosen programming language is Java 7 and the 
  RESTful web service architecture is devised upon the Jersey API,
  which is the reference implementation of JSR 311 (JAX-RS).
	-- Java JDK 1.7
	-- Jersey API 1.18
	-- Tomcat v6.0


 	-- $CATALINA_HOME be the Tomcat's directory.
 	-- $PROJECT_HOME be the project's directory.
 	-- $MAVEN_CFG be the Maven's configuration directory.
 		In Ubuntu's OS, $MAVEN_CFG is /etc/maven.

 I- Configuring Tomcat 6 for accepting deployment from Maven:
 	Add a manager user in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/tomcat-users.xml:
 		<role rolename="manager-gui"/>
 		<role rolename="manager-script"/>
 		<user username="admin" password="password" roles="manager-gui,manager-script"/>
 	Start Tomcat 6:
 II- Add a server into Maven config file located at $MAVEN_CFG/settings.xml:
 III- Running Maven deploy:
 	./$PROJECT_HOME/mvn tomcat6:deploy
 It will build closenesscentrality-0.1.0.jar.jar and  
 closenesscentrality-0.1.0.war files in /$PROJECT_HOME/target/.

 The closenesscentrality-0.1.0.jar file concerns the first part 
  of the challenge. It computes the closeness centrality for
  the required input located at "classes/edges.txt". 
  It can be tested through the command: 
 	java -jar $PROJECT_HOME/target/closenesscentrality-0.1.0.jar
 Regarding the web service part, the closenesscentrality-0.1.0.war 
  is automatically deployed to Tomcat application server by Maven script.
 The three endpoints developed aim at:
 	-- Creating a graph
 	-- Adding one or several edges to the graph
 	-- Computing the closeness centrality of the current graph
 The endpoints are accessible through calls using curl:
 	-- To create a graph:
 	curl -X PUT -HContent-type:application/xml --data "<requestcreategraph><maxnodes>100</maxnodes></requestcreategraph>" http://localhost:8080/closenesscentrality/rest/graph
 	The XML to be sent has the form:
 		<maxnodes>100</maxnodes>   <!-- Maximum number of nodes in the graph -->
 	-- To add one or several edges to the graph:
 	curl -X POST -HContent-type:application/xml --data "<requestaddedges><edge><node1>1</node1><node2>2</node2></edge><edge><node1>3</node1><node2>4</node2></edge></requestaddedges>" http://localhost:8080/closenesscentrality/rest/graph
 	The XML to be sent has the form:
 		...						<!-- Arbitrary number of edges -->
 	-- To compute the closeness centrality of the current graph
	curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/closenesscentrality/rest/graph
	The XML to be received, which is sorted by the closeness factor, 
	has the form:



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