This is the OLD admin interface of the MAZI toolkit.
Please use the new portal for the MAZI toolkit
For the scripts driving the admin page to work, the apache user (www-data) must be given sudo capibilities on them.
This can be achieved by adding the line:
www-data ALL=NOPASSWD: /var/www/html/adminpage/scripts/, /var/www/html/adminpage/scripts/
in visodo
If this fails, www-data ALL=NOPASSWD:ALL Can be used as an insecure alternative for testing
A change was made to scripts/current .sh to maintain consistent output. the lines 74: else 75: echo "password" were added so that a placeholder for password is always present.
Application Admin: This page allows the administrator to select which applications will show on the splash page, the generates it.
The applications which are available should be recorded in applications.csv in the /db folder in the format name, hyperlink
On page generation, the templates header.html and footer.html are combined, with each chosen application embedded between them as a formatted link. They are then saved as splash.html
php MUST have write access to splash.html in the /applicationpage folder