The code is under development and is not ready for distribution.
- Load persisted state
- Create network manager
- Styling
- Add manual resetting functionality
- Color questions depending on if they are answered
- Recorder view: load tags from model and update attachment in interview model instead of creating a new one
- Add upload feedback
- Fix label text in recording view
- Sound visualisation for audio recorder
- Scroll up when the keyboard appears
- Fix retain cycles
- Reset interview after submitting
- Fix bug where photo isn't displayed
# POST api/interviews/ (returns interview: { _id : xxx, ...})
text: 'Synopsis Lorem ipsum',
name: 'Peter'
role: 'Designer'
# POST api/file/upload/image/:interviewId (returns interview)
FILES['file'] = file
# POST api/attachments/ (returns attachment: { _id : xxx, ...})
text: 'Question text',
tags: ['test1' , 'test2'],
interview: interviewId // obtained after creating the interview
# POST api/upload/attachment/:attachmentId (returns attachment)
FILES['file'] = file