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This is the official impletations of the EMNLP Findings paper, VideoINSTA: Zero-shot Long-Form Video Understanding via Informative Spatial-Temporal Reasoning

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VideoINSTA: Zero-shot Long-Form Video Understanding via Informative Spatial-Temporal Reasoning

This is the official implementation of the paper VideoINSTA: Zero-shot Long-Form Video Understanding via Informative Spatial-Temporal Reasoning.


💡 Framework


The configuration of an experiment is done in a YAML file. Since there are lots of parameters that can be configured, these will not be described in detail.

However, there are different existing configurations in the config/ folder that can be used as a references. Moreover, reading through the following sections will give a good overview of the whole framework with all its configuration parameters.

Entry Point

The entry point to the framework is the script together with the video_reasoning_experiment package.

The script just calls the video_reasoning_experiment.main module.

The video_reasoning_experiment.main module is responsible for creating the necessary experiment environment. This includes the setup of the experiment directories for saving the results, the reading of the experiment configuration, the setup of the global logger and the creation of a specific experiment instance.


The classes for such an experiment instance are located in the video_reasoning_experiment.experiment module. The default for using the VideoINSTA structure is the VideoReasoningVideoINSTAExperiment class. Further classes for different experiment types could be added to this module.

The VideoReasoningVideoINSTAExperiment class is responsible for parsing the provided configuration, read all required files from the dataset (e.g. tasks and videos), create the initial setup for the video reasoning process and iterate through the provided video dataset.

The initial setup includes the following steps that are configured in the configuration file:

  • the instantiation of the clip state class to use (e.g. ClipStateWithoutConditionedSpatialState)
  • the instantiation of the operations to use (e.g. DPCKNNSplit as the split operation)
  • the instantiation of the API with the parameters for its functions (see the api.api module)
  • the instantiation of the initial VideoINSTA structure for each video (e.g. the root clip with its initial state)
  • the instantiation of the VideoINSTA controller combining everything from above together for each video

Video Reasoning

The orchestration of the VideoINSTA video reasoning process is implemented in video_reasoning.controller. This can be thought of as the main handling point for the reasoning process.


The modelling of the VideoINSTA structure is implemented in video_reasoning.structure.videoinsta. Other structures could be implemented in the package video_reasoning.structure.


The state of a clip represents a combination of a video clip, a temporal, a spatial and a universal state. The clip simply represents a clip in the VideoINSTA structure, whereas the state represents the video reasoning state of the clip. That reasoning state combines perceptual information with reasoning information.

The modelling of a clip state and its corresponding utilities are implemented in video_reasoning.state.


The modelling of the video clip associated with a clip and its corresponding utilities are implemented in Note that such a video clip can also be a single frame or the whole video.


The clip state can be thought of as the fusion point of the video clip, the temporal state, the spatial state and the universal state. The modelling of that clip state and its corresponding utilities are implemented in video_reasoning.state.clip.


The spatial state represents the spatial information of the clip, i.e. action captions and object detections. The modelling of that spatial state and its corresponding utilities are implemented in video_reasoning.state.spatial.


The temporal state represents the temporal information of the clip, i.e. the temporal grounding of the clip. The modelling of that temporal state and its corresponding utilities are implemented in video_reasoning.state.temporal.


The universal state represents the universal information of VideoINSTA, i.e. the summary of the action captions of the whole video. There should be only one universal state for the whole VideoINSTA structure, can be thought of as a singleton in the reasoning process. The modelling of that universal state and its corresponding utilities are implemented in video_reasoning.state.universal.


The package api contains machine-learning-model-based functionalities combined with algorithmic tools that are used during the video reasoning process. A cool name for that is "neural modules", where lots of "AI" is used. 😉

The module api.api contains a class API that provides different public functions. For each function, this class has a configuration for the hyperparameters of the function.

The public functions use the interfaces of the machine-learning-models in the toolbox package.

Their usage is currently statically defined in the derive functions of the video_reasoning.state.DerivableState child-classes, but this architecture opens the possibility to dynamically define the usage of the API functions.


The package toolbox provides the different machine-learning-models that are used as tools in the "neural modules". As you already know, these tools are composed in a reasonable way to solve higher level problems in the api.

The modules itself are only capable of solving low level problems like object detection in images, video clip captioning or language completion, but together with the api they can solve higher level problems that occur during video reasoning.

Visual Expert Tools

The sub-packages of toolbox are the different tools that are used on the "neural modules" of the api. Some of them may contain machine-learning model implementations themselves, others may contain interfaces to libraries or remote APIs, e.g. HuggingFace or OpenAI.

The specific tools are described in the following.


An open-world object detection model. Please note that we did not use this model in our paper. However, it can still be used for further experiments in the domain of video question answering.


A video captioning model.


A visual language model.


A video temporal grounding model.


Large language models. 🦜 There are local and remote ones. Note that the local ones are integrated via the remote HuggingFace model hub.



The package datasets provides the utilities for loading datasets that are used in our experiments. New datasets can be added easily by adding a new case to the load_data function in the datasets.load module. Please follow for the data representation of the new datasets as for the other current datasets. If required, you can normalize the data (i.e. making the first char uppercase and assuring a question mark at the end of the question).

🛠️ Setup

Required System Dependencies

  • Note that we use CUDA version 11.3 for all our experiments.
  • If you are using local LLMs such as meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct, please make sure to use at least 40 GB of GPU memory.
  • If you are using UniVTG, please make sure to use at least 25 GB of GPU memory.
  • To use our framework efficiently in parallel, please make sure to use SLURM for job scheduling (or something similar).

Required Datasets

Please download the following datasets and save them in your machines data mount directory, denoted as /PATH/TO/DATA.

  • EgoSchema: Follow their instructions to download the dataset. Note that there is exactly one task per video. Only the 500 videos appearing in subset_answers.json are required.
  • NExT-QA: Follow their instructions to download the dataset. Note that there are multiple tasks per video. Only the 570 videos appearing in val.csv are required (which contains 4,969 tasks).
  • IntentQA: Follow their instructions to download the dataset. Note that there are multiple tasks per video. Only the 576 videos appearing in test.csv are required (which contains 2,134 tasks).
  • ActivityNet-QA: Follow their instructions to download the dataset. Note that there are multiple tasks per video. Only the 800 videos appearing in test_q.json are required (which contains 8,000 tasks).

Required Model Checkpoints and Dependencies

Please download the following model checkpoints and save them in your machines data mount directory or working directory, whatever suits you best. The directory for model checkpoints is denoted as /PATH/TO/MODEL_CHECKPOINTS.

Required Python Dependencies

  • Our framework runs on Python 3.11.
  • We use anaconda / miniconda to manage our python environments.
  • The script installs all the required python packages using pip in a conda environment.
  • Please check your systems CUDA version and adopt the highlighted line in this script depending on your needs.

Symbolic Links

  • Please use the script to create symbolic links to the required datasets and model checkpoints.
  • Depending on the mount location of your data and your model checkpoints (from the steps before), you have to adjust the paths in this script.
  • Note that this script will also create some folders for the data management and for the SLURM outputs within this repositories root directory.


  • We use SLURM for job scheduling.
  • The script is used to create temporary SBATCH files that will be executed and deleted afterward.
  • This script can be used to start multiple slurm jobs for different subsets of a big datasets.
  • For example, you can use the script to start 10 jobs on 10 GPUs for the EgoSchema dataset to run 50 tasks per job (since Egoschema has 500 tasks).
  • Please refer to the script itself and to the usage section below for specific usage instructions.

🔬 Usage

Getting Started

  1. Make sure to finish all steps from the setup above.
  2. conda activate videoinsta
  3. Clone repo this repository and navigate into its root.
  4. cd ./scripts
  5. sh (Warning: please make sure to adjust the paths in this script to your needs before execution!)
  6. Create secret environment, e.g. nano .env (three lines: HUGGINGFACE_API_KEY="YOUR_HUGGINGFACE_API_KEY_HERE" and OPENAI_API_KEY="YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY_HERE" and linebreak at the end of the file (i.e. "third line")!!!)
  7. Optional: Start debugging experiment (with just a single split and without the usage of SLURM): python --conf ./config/YOUR_CONFIG_HERE.yaml
  8. Start productive experiment (make sure you have access to a SLURM cluster with idle nodes and GPUs meeting the requirements listed above): python "./config/YOUR_CONFIG_HERE.yaml" "YOUR_UNIQUE_JOB_NAME_HERE" "[(SPLIT_0_START_INDEX, SPLIT_1_END_INDEX), (SPLIT_1_START_INDEX, SPLIT_1_END_INDEX), ...]" NUM_CPU_PER_SPLIT NUM_GPU_PER_SPLIT "WORKERS_TO_INCLUDE" "WORKERS_TO_EXCLUDE"
  9. tail -f slurm/YOUR_UNIQUE_JOB_NAME_HERE_START_END.err (e.g. tail -f slurm/best_c_rp_0_50.err for the split from the task indices 0 to 50 of the EgoSchema dataset)
  10. Alternatively: tail -f EXPERIMENT_PATH_FROM_CONFIG/eval/CONFIG_FILE_NAME_START_END/TIMESTAMP_OF_EXECUTION/out.log (feel free to explore to output directory structure after the experiment execution).
  11. Collect experiment results of multiple splits:
    1. Manually: Take a look at the out.log file or slurm .err file of each split, collect and merge the results manually.
    2. Automatically: Use to merge the results of multiple splits into one file. Note that you cannot only get the merged accuracy, but also the following results and data:
      1. example usage for action caption aggregation: python "action_captions" "experiments/exp3/best/eval" "extract_action_captions_egoschema_lavila_t10" "./"
      2. example usage for object detection aggregation: python "object_detections" "experiments/exp3/best/eval" "extract_object_detections_egoschema_cogagent_n3_t0" "./"
      3. example usage for summary aggregation: python "summaries" "experiments/exp3/best/eval" "best_05_02_chatgpt35-1106" "./"
      4. example usage for accuracy calculation: python "accuracy" "experiments/exp3/best/eval" "best_05_02_chatgpt35-1106" "./"
      5. example usage for number of merges calculation: python "merged_clips" "experiments/exp3/best/eval" "best_05_02_chatgpt35-1106" "./"
      6. example usage for temporal grounding variance: python "temporal_grounding_variance" "experiments/exp3/best/eval" "best_05_02_chatgpt35-1106" "./"

Example Usage

python "./config/egoschema/exp3/best/best_05_01_chatgpt35-1106.yaml" "best_c_rp" "[(0, 50), (50, 100), (100, 150), (150, 200), (200, 250), (250, 300), (300, 350), (350, 400), (400, 450), (450, 500)]" 8 1 "" "worker-1,worker-2,worker-3,worker-4,worker-7"

Remarks for experiments

  • Our framework is a so-called "compound system" with many different "neural modules". Each "neural module" has several hyperparameters that are highly sensitive to small changes, especially the prompts and the sampling techniques (temperature, top_p, do_sample) in the combination with other "neural modules" that are highly sensitive themselves.
  • For reproducible results, it is necessary to use local models only (no ChatGPT, even if you use a seed for it) and to use the same hyperparameters for the "neural modules" in each experiment. Moreover, it is important to use the exact same seed and the exact same GPU types with the exact same drivers. Different GPU types or drivers can lead to different results because of their different low level implementations. The same is true for different CUDA versions.
  • You can specify the output directory (i.e. the "experiment directory") in the configuration file.
  • The accuracy of an experiment is saved in the accuracy.json file. Moreover, you can also find it in the end of the log file.
  • Each split is considered a standalone experiment, so you will have to merge the results of the splits.

Reproducing the Results

The following configuration files were used for the experiments in the paper. For the results, please refer to the paper.

Main Results

  • EgoSchema:
    • ChatGPT-3.5: ./config/egoschema/exp6/exp6_chatgpt35-1106_4clips_top2int_replace_after_sum.yaml
    • ChatGPT-4: ./config/egoschema/exp6/exp6_chatgpt4-1106-preview_4clips_top2int_replace_after_sum.yaml
    • Llama3-8B: ./config/egoschema/exp6/exp6_llama3_4clips_top2int.yaml
    • Llama3-8B (our LLoVi re-implementation as baseline): ./config/egoschema/exp6/llovi_llama3_sumqa_baseline_temp0.yaml
  • NExT-QA:
    • ChatGPT-3.5: ./config/nextqa/exp6/exp6_chatgpt35-1106_4clips_top2int_10wevents.yaml
    • ChatGPT-4: ./config/nextqa/exp6/exp6_chatgpt4-1106-preview_4clips_top2int_10wevents_no_sums_normalize_data.yaml
    • Llama3-8B: ./config/nextqa/exp6/exp6_llama3_4clips_top2int_10wevents.yaml
    • Llama3-8B (our LLoVi re-implementation as baseline): ./config/nextqa/exp6/llovi_llama3_sumqa_baseline_temp0.yaml
  • IntentQA:
    • ChatGPT-3.5: ./config/intentqa/exp6/exp6_chatgpt35-1106_4clips_top2int_10wevents.yaml
    • ChatGPT-4: ./config/intentqa/exp6/exp6_chatgpt4-1106-preview_4clips_top2int_10wevents.yaml
    • Llama3-8B: ./config/intentqa/exp6/exp6_llama3_4clips_top2int_10wevents.yaml
    • Llama3-8B (our LLoVi re-implementation as baseline): ./config/intentqa/exp6/llovi_llama3_sumqa_baseline_temp0.yaml

Ablation studies

VideoINSTA Variants on EgoSchema using ChatGPT-3.5
  • VideoINSTA: ./config/egoschema/exp6/exp6_chatgpt35-1106_4clips_top2int_replace_after_sum.yaml
  • VideoINSTA w/o TA-Inhr.: ./config/egoschema/ablation/state_information/exp6_A_chatgpt3.5.yaml
  • VideoINSTA w/o TA-Seg.: ./config/egoschema/ablation/state_information/exp6_B_chatgpt3.5.yaml
  • VideoINSTA w/o TA: ./config/egoschema/ablation/state_information/exp6_C_chatgpt3.5.yaml
  • VideoINSTA w/o S: ./config/egoschema/ablation/state_information/exp6_D_chatgpt3.5.yaml
  • VideoINSTA w/o IN: ./config/egoschema/ablation/state_information/exp6_E_chatgpt3.5.yaml
Number of Temporal Segments on EgoSchema using ChatGPT-3.5
  • K=2: ./config/egoschema/ablation/number_of_splits/exp6_2_chatgpt3.5.yaml
  • K=4: ./config/egoschema/exp6/exp6_chatgpt35-1106_4clips_top2int_replace_after_sum.yaml
  • K=8: ./config/egoschema/ablation/number_of_splits/exp6_8_chatgpt3.5.yaml
Segmentation Techniques using ChatGPT-3.5
  • EgoSchema:
    • Uniform: ./config/egoschema/ablation/state_information/exp6_B_chatgpt3.5.yaml
    • KNN: ./config/egoschema/ablation/segmentation_technique/exp6_chatgpt35-1106_4clips_top2int_replace_after_sum_KNN.yaml
    • DPCKNN: ./config/egoschema/ablation/segmentation_technique/exp6_chatgpt35-1106_4clips_top2int_replace_after_sum_DPCKNN.yaml
    • C-DPCKNN: ./config/egoschema/exp6/exp6_chatgpt35-1106_4clips_top2int_replace_after_sum.yaml
  • NEXT-QA:
    • Uniform: ./config/nextqa/ablation/state_information/exp6_B_chatgpt3.5.yaml (and others)
    • KNN: ./config/nextqa/ablation/segmentation_technique/exp6_chatgpt35-1106_4clips_top2int_10wevents_KNN.yaml
    • DPCKNN: ./config/nextqa/ablation/segmentation_technique/exp6_chatgpt35-1106_4clips_top2int_10wevents_DPCKNN.yaml
    • C-DPCKNN: ./config/nextqa/exp6/exp6_chatgpt35-1106_4clips_top2int_10wevents.yaml
Captioner Variants on the EgoSchema dataset using ChatGPT-3.5
  • CogAgent: ./config/nextqa/exp6/exp6_chatgpt35-1106_4clips_top2int_10wevents.yaml
  • LLaVA-1.5: ./config/nextqa/ablation/captioner/exp6_chatgpt35-1106_4clips_top2int_10wevents_LLAVA1.5.yaml

Open Question Answering on the ActivityNet-QA dataset using Llama3-8B

  • Llama3-8B: ./config/activitynetqa/free-form-template_modified.yaml
  • Llama3-8B (our LLoVi re-implementation as baseline): ./config/activitynetqa/llovi_llama3_baseline.yaml

⭐️ Authors

🔥 Citation

If you use our framework or parts of it, please cite our paper:

    title = "{V}ideo{INSTA}: Zero-shot Long Video Understanding via Informative Spatial-Temporal Reasoning with {LLM}s",
    author = "Liao, Ruotong  and
      Erler, Max  and
      Wang, Huiyu  and
      Zhai, Guangyao  and
      Zhang, Gengyuan  and
      Ma, Yunpu  and
      Tresp, Volker",
    editor = "Al-Onaizan, Yaser  and
      Bansal, Mohit  and
      Chen, Yun-Nung",
    booktitle = "Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2024",
    month = nov,
    year = "2024",
    address = "Miami, Florida, USA",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    pages = "6577--6602",
    abstract = "In the video-language domain, recent works in leveraging zero-shot Large Language Model-based reasoning for video understanding have become competitive challengers to previous end-to-end models. However, long video understanding presents unique challenges due to the complexity of reasoning over extended timespans, even for zero-shot LLM-based approaches. The challenge of information redundancy in long videos prompts the question of what specific information is essential for large language models (LLMs) and how to leverage them for complex spatial-temporal reasoning in long-form video analysis. We propose a framework VideoINSTA , i.e. INformative Spatial-TemporAl Reasoning for zero-shot long-form video understanding.VideoINSTA contributes (1) a zero-shot framework for long video understanding using LLMs; (2) an event-based temporalreasoning and content-based spatial reasoning approach for LLMs to reason over spatial-temporal information in videos; (3) a self-reflective information reasoning scheme based on information sufficiency and prediction confidence while balancing temporal factors.Our model significantly improves the state-of-the-art on three long video question-answering benchmarks: EgoSchema, NextQA, and IntentQA, and the open question answering dataset ActivityNetQA. Code is released:",


This is the official impletations of the EMNLP Findings paper, VideoINSTA: Zero-shot Long-Form Video Understanding via Informative Spatial-Temporal Reasoning






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