This is a simple toy VM built in C. Idea and starting point are from
How to use:
gcc -o main main.cpp
./main filename.bin
Ensure the bin file is assembled properly to assure proper operation.
Assembly/Machine Language Reference:
halt: 0x000
halts operation of the system.
loadi: 0x1 <4-bit register number> <8-bit immediate>
loads the 8-bit immediate value into the register specified by the second-most-signficant-byte. registers are numbered 0-3.
add: 0x2 <4-bit dest. register> <4-bit source register 1> <4-bit source register 2>
adds the values in the two source registers and places the result in the destination register.
addi: 0x3 <4-bit dest. register> <4-bit source register> <4-bit immediate>
adds the immediate value to the source register and stores the result in the destination register.