$ git clone
to get a copy of the repository.
The source of this data is OpenFlights. This derived work is available to the public MIT license. See the OpenFlights website for licensing terms.
With this project, you can determine the following:
- If an Airport B is reachable from another Airport A with a user-inputted number of stopovers
- The shortest distance between an Airport A and an Airport B
- If it is possible to visit one or more of airports Airport A, Airport B, and Airport C more than once
Please note that the OpenFlights dataset we used in creating this project was last updated in June 2014 and thus it—and this project—have purely historical value.
Run the following commands:
$ make clean
$ make main
$ ./main_output
Run the following commands:
$ make clean
$ make tests
$ ./test_output
OpenFlights Analysis supports the following commands:
- Determine the minimum distance between two airports
> 1
- Determine if an airport is reachable from a given airport
> 2
- Determine if, given three or more airports, it is possible to visit at least one airport more than once
> 3
- Quit
> 4
The program will prompt you to input airport IDs as an OpenFlights identifier. If you do not know the OpenFlights identifier corresponding to an airport, use the airport search tool. To use this tool, enter the IATA/FAA of an airport (e.g. John F. Kennedy International Airport has the IATA/FAA "JFK"). Then click "Search." The airport corresponding to the FAA will display. Click "Load." The OpenFlights identifier is the number highlighted in the below picture:
(Note: Some airports may not have an IATA/FAA code assigned to it in the OpenFlights dataset but may still exist in the dataset. In that case, search the airport by name or by location.)