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KNX to openhab generator

Generate an openhab text configuration based on an ETS GA export. Despite all things and items, the sitemap for basicui is generated. The semantic model is supported.

Export GAs:

Select all GAs in ETS. Exportformat: CSV. Format 1/1 "Name/Adresse", SCV Seperator Tabulator. The GAs should follow the scheme floor/room/message.


  • edit config.json
    • the default locations for the output files match directly, if you create a openhab directory and mount the /etc/openhab there. (under linux use e.g. sshfs pi@[myIP]:/etc/openhab openhab)
  • run python3

drop words

Within the configuration, there is a field drop_words. There you can define words which should not be used in labels. E.g. lights have already a bulb symbol. So the word light is not needed in the description. However, if the description would be empty after cleanup, the words are not dropped! (e.g. you have a light right and a light left -> bulb symbols with the words right and left. If you have only one light, the name will not be shortend as it is already short ;) )

ETS description field

there are some addons based on the description field of the GA in ETS. Multiple options are seperated by a semicolon.

  • add influx to automatically save the values to influxDB.
  • add debug to add a visibility tag to a element. Use item extended_view to change visibility.
  • scene mappings: see below
  • add location to add the location to the first two layers of group addresses. Divide multiple by ,
  • add semantic to overwrite the default entries. (e.g. if a switch is controlling a projector: semantic=Projector). Possible options. Divide multiple by ,
  • add icon to set the icon. e.g. icon=projector
  • add ignore to competely disable the import for that GA

(e.g. semantic=Pump;icon=pump;debug;influx)

Processed types:

Components determined only by GA

  • Temperature based on Datatype
  • Humidity based on Datatype
  • Window Contact based on Datatype 1.019
  • Electrical work (wh) based on Datatype
  • Power (W) based on Datatype
  • Curent based on Datatype
  • Lux based on Datatype
  • Day/Night based on Datatype 1.024
  • Alarm based on Datatype 1.005
  • Speed m/s based on Datatype
  • Timedifference based on Datatype 13.100
  • Scene based on Datatype. Add for example mappings=[63='Aus', 62='Automatik', 1='Kochen', 2='Beamer', 3='Allgemein'] to description in ETS to generate automatic mapping. MAP transformation plugin required!
  • ppm based on Datatype
  • Percent based on Datatype
  • Volume based on Datatype
  • String based on Datatype

Components which need a naming scheme

  • Rollershutter based on Name
  • Switch - based on Datatype. Looking for a status GA with the same name and suffix configured in config.json/"switch"/"status_suffix". Default: "Status"
    • Example: GAs "Light right" + "Light right Status"
    • Lights, powerplugs and audio devices can be detected by names configured at config.json -> defines -> switch - "poweroutlet_name" / "speaker_name" / "light_name". The configured name has to be part of the GA Name.
  • Dimmer - based on suffix in config.json/"dimmer"/"suffix_absolut" (default: "Dimmen absolut"). Also searching for: "status_suffix" (default "Status Dimmwert") Dropping all GA suffixes within config.json/"dimmer"/"drop".
    • Example: GAs "Light Dimmen absolut" + "Light Status Dimmwert"


Generate openhab configuration based on ETS export






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