It is an implementation of an automatic gambling system specially designed for the course "Architecture for Service-based systems".
The application is divided into three parts: Workflow editor, workflow parser/visualizer, and the application allowing to launch the betting sequences and to display the results from the betting services.
The back-end consists of a RSP (Reseach Service Platform) project embedded in a GWT project in order to communicate between the front and the back-end (see diagram).
You need to configure Eclipse to be able to compile and run a GWT project. You only need a few additionnal packages as stated on the documentation :
- Install new software from Eclipse by using this website url : (change the version if needed)
- Check to install :
- Plugin > Google plugin for Eclipse
- SDKs > Google App Engine Java SDK and Google Web Toolkit SDK
Import the project in eclipse.
> If there are some import problems with google packages, go to your project properties > Google > Web Toolkit > and make sure "Use GWT" is checked.
Then launch the project (Right click on it > Run As > Web application)
Finally Eclipse will give you a local URL to access to webpage (like
GWTEventService ( : to realize the communication between the GWT server and the GWT client.
Snap.svg ( : to facilitate the drawing of shapes in SVG
@AmauryC @t3hExi @ohlala