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Updating Linuxbrew xorg packages

Maxim Belkin edited this page Jun 23, 2019 · 7 revisions

This (quick) guide is for current and future maintainers of Linuxbrew/xorg.

  1. Get homebrew-livecheck that works with Linuxbrew/xorg:

    brew tap homebrew/livecheck
    cd $(brew --repo homebrew/livecheck)
    git fetch livecheck-xorg:livecheck-xorg
    git checkout livecheck-xorg
  2. Find formulae that can be updated & determine the order in which the formulae can be safely updated (for that purpose you can check out Linuxbrew/xorg updater).

    cd $(brew --repo linuxbrew/xorg)/Formula
    echo -n "" > ../TODO.txt
    for file in *.rb
      echo Processing $file
      brew livecheck -n linuxbrew/xorg/${file%.rb} 2>/dev/null 1>>../TODO.txt
    # The above code creates a file `TODO.txt` with the output of `brew livecheck` that looks like this:
    # encodings (guessed) : 1.0.4 ==> 1.0.5
    # libdrm (guessed) : 2.4.97 ==> 2.4.98
    # libevdev (guessed) : 1.6.0 ==> 1.7.0
    # libfs (guessed) : 1.0.7 ==> 1.0.8
    # libglvnd (guessed) : 1.1.0 ==> 1.1.1
  3. Create a new "Update packages" issue in this repository documenting the packages that have to be updated. You may use the following code snippet to generate a list with check-boxes:

    sed 's|^| - [ ] |; s| (guessed) :||;' ../TODO.txt > ../TODO.issue.txt
  4. Figure out the order in which to update the packages: start with those that have fewer dependencies on packages in Linuxbrew/xorg:

    for file in $(cut -d' ' -f1 ../TODO.txt);
      echo -n "$file "
      brew deps --include-build --include-test linuxbrew/xorg/$file | grep linuxbrew/xorg | wc -l
    done | sort -nk2 > ../TODO.order.txt

    Alternative solution that does not use brew deps:

     for file in $(cut -d' ' -f1 ../TODO.txt);
       grep -Hc "depends_on.*linuxbrew/xorg" $file.rb | sed 's|:| |'
     done | sort -nk2 > ../TODO.order.txt

    This alternative solution might produce incorrect results if dependencies are in conditional blocks, as in:

    unless OS.mac?
        depends_on "linuxbrew/xorg/mesa"
  5. Proceed with updating formulae!

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