Package go-vitotrol
provides access to the Viessmann™
Vitotrol™ cloud API for controlling/monitoring boilers.
Only requests I really need are currently implemented:
- Login
- GetDevices
- RequestRefreshStatus
- RequestWriteStatus
- GetData
- WriteData
- RefreshData
- GetErrorHistory
- GetTimesheet
- WriteTimesheetData
- GetTypeInfo
Any pull-request is welcome.
To obtain a vitotrol
executable in $GOPATH/bin/
directory if
environment variable exists or in $HOME/go/bin
go install
go get -u
go get -u
became useless since go 1.18.
See cmd/vitotrol/*.go
for an example of use.
Executable vitotrol
usage follows:
usage: vitotrol [OPTIONS] ACTION [PARAMS]
-config string
login+password config file
print debug information
-device string
DeviceID, index, DeviceName, DeviceId@LocationID, DeviceName@LocationName (see `devices' action) (default "0")
used by `timesheet' action to display timesheets using JSON format
-login string
login on vitotrol API
-password string
password on vitotrol API
print verbose information
- devices list all available devices
- list [attrs|timesheets] list attribute (default) or timesheet names
- get ATTR_NAME ... get the value of attributes ATTR_NAME, ... on vitodata
- get all get all known attributes on vitodata server
- rget ATTR_NAME ... refresh then get the value of attributes ATTR_NAME, ...
on vitodata server
- rget all refresh than get all known attributes on vitodata server
- bget ATTR_IDX ... get the value of attributes ATTR_IDX, ... on vitodata
server without checking their validity before (for
developing purpose)
- rbget ATTR_IDX ... refresh then get the value of attributes ATTR_IDX, ...
on vitodata server without checking their validity
before (for developing purpose)
- set ATTR_NAME VALUE set the value of attribute ATTR_NAME to VALUE
- timesheet TIMESHEET ...
get the timesheet TIMESHEET data
- set_timesheet TIMESHEET '{"wday":[{"from":630,"to":2200},...],...}'
replace the whole timesheet TIMESHEET
wday is either a day (eg. mon) or a range of days
(eg. mon-wed or sat-mon)
The JSON content can be in a file with the syntax @file
- errors get the error history
- remote_attrs list server available attributes
(for developing purpose)
The config file is a two lines file containing the LOGIN on the first
line and the PASSWORD on the second, and is named
by default (when all --config
, --login
options are missing or empty):
go-vitotrol is released under the MIT License.
Want to automatically feed an Influx database with attribute values? See vitotrol2influx.