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A minimal computer algebra system for symbolic manipulation in Ruby

The aim of this project is to provide a simple and easy-to-use computer algebra system for symbolic manipulation.

It represents math expressions through a binary tree and it provides an automatic basic simplification. Furthermore, it is possible to perform derivatives, substitutions and expression evaluation.

The project is still in an early stage, but it is usable and provides several opportunities.


This library is compatible with Ruby >= 2.5.0 and mruby >= 2.0.1


Structure of the internal representation:

Inheritance chain Modules are marked as M, while classes are marked as C

CAS settings

This library allows the user to change some setting. They are saved in SymDesc::SYM_CONFIG on which a hash is saved.
There are three keys inside:

  :ratio_precision => 1e-16, 
  :symdesc_engine => engine,      
  :var_scope => :global,          

The first one indicates the error allowed for converting float numbers to rational. The default value is 1e-6.
The second key just refers to the type of ruby engine SymDesc is running on. It can be or ruby or mruby. It's not a real setting, as any changement on the value won't produce any behaviour.
The third setting indicates how a Variable object should be created. :global makes the library create a unique instance for the whole program of a symbolic variable given its name. It means if we create a variable called x with this setting enabled, there won't be two distinct instances called x.
If :var_scope is set to :local, a variable has a unque definition only inside the object it was created.

All the settings must be changed at the beginning of the program, otherwise it won't be possible to modify them anymore.

Provided interfaces

SymDesc provides different interfaces to give a more comfortable way to write math expressions.
The two main functions are var and cas. Both accept an arbitrary number of arguments, and they return a single result if only argument is provided, or an array if arguments are more than one or zero.
var converts strings or ruby symbols into symbolic variables:

x = var :x   # It creates a single variable named 'x'

x, y, z = var :x, :y, :z # It creates three variables simultaneously

This is the correct way to declare symbolic variables, as this method handles the user settings about the scope of creation.

cas converts symbols or other objects to symbolic representations, as long as they implement a to_symdesc method.

n1, n2 = cas 11, 2.33  #=> 11, 233/100

class MyClass < String 
  def initialize(name)

  def to_symdesc
    var self

myvar = "v1"
r1    = cas myvar #=> v1:SymDesc::Variable  

Creating expressions dynamically

An experimental feature has been introduced to allow expression creation without declaring symbols manually. It is accessible throug a call to dynamic and passing a block of code containing the expression. Here an example:

my_exp = dynamic { x ** 2 + y * z ** 3} #=> x ** 2 + y * z ** 3

The above code is the same as:

x, y, z = var :x, :y, :z 

my_exp = x ** 2 + y * z ** 3

However, the first line creates unique variables inside the block, not globally or locally as mentioned in settings.


FInding zeros of a funcrion using Newton's method

An example of metaprogramming employing this library is the research of zeros of a function through Newton's method. It's an iterative algorithm, and its equation is in the form:

x[n+1] = x[n] - f(x[n])/f'(x[n])

Ir requires the evaluation of the fraction between f and its derivative f' many times. SymDesc offers two ways to do this: through the call method and the creation of a procedure.
Let's see an example using the content of my_exp created previously:

# Invoking 'call' on the expression` 4, y: 2, z: 3) #=> 70

# Exploiting a 'Proc' object
my_proc = my_exp.to_proc       #=> #<Proc:0x0000560f7a4bac50@(eval):2> 4, y: 2, z: 3) #=> 70

The difference between the two way is the first one is slightly slower, as it has to create inermediate strings every time to represent the expression in ruby code.

The suitable one, for this example, is the second way due to the repetition of the operations.
We can start implementing the Newton's algorithm: it takes a symbolic function and the starting point of the iterations, returning the final value.

def newton(f, start, tol = 1e-8, max_iter = 100)
  x = f.vars[0]         # Name o the variable 'f' depends on
  s = { => start} # Dictionary of the solutions. Now it contains x[n]

  fp   = f.to_proc      # Creating a procedure of evaluation
  df   = f.diff(x)      # Calculating f'
  frac = (f/df).to_proc # Procedure of evaluation for the fracion

  k = 0
  f0 =

  loop do 
    s[] -=

    # We need to check the tolerance
    f1 =
    if (f1 - f0).abs < tol 
      f0 =

    # Checking the iterations
    k += 1
    break if k > max_iter
  return s[]

Now we can use this implementation to find a zero of a symbolic function:

x    = var :x
exp  = (x - 7) ** 2 - 6
zero = newton(exp,4).round(2)
puts "Function #{exp} has a zero in x = #{zero}"
#=> Function (x - 7) ** 2 - 6 has a zero in x = 4.55

To do

  • Better simplification for Prod#*
  • Generation of C code for the symbolic solution
  • Variable-dependent functions (x[t])
  • Test


Minimal symbolic manipulator







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