This is a remake of the project i've doed for Amm, it's built using MongoDB Express AngularJS and NodeJS. The Node App is developed using the Test Driven Development
AMM is a course of my collage that teaches how to build a website using PHP+Mysql+jQuery.
You can see the old project here :
Currently all the Node (and MongoDB + Express) part is doed, i've disabled some parameters in the search to make the website always return some data (the parameter days, search only the events in the next days, and obviusly the current events in the near future disappear)
This website is deployed on Heroku and you can visit it here :
- Login under Angular.js
- Insert events under Angular
- Show my events
- Change _static to _development
- Serve _development if the script is under development mode
- Build _development to _static using gulp
- All the test under Mocha
- Node application
- Search events near a position
- Events,Position and User model
- Events,Positions,User routes
- Login and logout
- Navigation animations under Angular
- First page under Angular
- Search under Angular
- Navigation history under Angular
- Changable Language
- Some testing for Angular
- Testing and opening (with live reload) with gulp
- Use bower to lower the size on GIT
Simply execute npm start or ./bin/www
./bin/www --NODE_ENV=test
npm test